Marine Link
Tuesday, July 16, 2024

COMSAT Offers Cruise lines Communications Concession

COMSAT Mobile Investments has announced a program under which cruise lines can reportedly expand their telecommunications facilities while turning the radio room into a profit center. Communications Concession is a turnkey program in which COMSAT creates and administers a total maritime teleocmmunications service package for the cruise ship. It includes hiring personnnel, purchasing new equipment, passenger call accoutning, providing satellite services for ship's business and all other aspects of radio room operations.

Together, the cruise line and COMSAT will evaluate the current communications equipment on the ship to decide what combination of technologies best fits the ship's requirements while maximizing revenues and business efficiency. COMSAT provides the additional capital required for the new equipment, and is also responsible for maintenance and repairs. The cruise line does not have to make capital investment for new equipment. Initial trials of the Communications Concession took place on several Cunard ships, according to Kathryn Y.

Holman COMSAT Mobile Communications vice president of Sales. It v/os first instituted on Sea Goddess I in October 1994, and shortly after, Royal Viking Sun, Vistafjord, Sagaljord and Sea Goddess II added the program to their portfolios. "These programs have been very successful, prompting us to expand the program to other cruise lines," said Ms Holman.

COMSAT Mobile Communications, a business unit of COMSAT Corporation, provides global satellite communications services to maritime, aeronautical and land mobile customers, and international business travelers via the Inmarsat satellite network. COMSAT Corporation is a global provider of communications and entertainment products and services.

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