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Shipping '94: The Risks & Rewards Of Quality Shipping

March 14-16, Stamford, Conn The Connecticut Maritime Association's (CMA) annual shipping conference, "Shipping '94: The Risks and Rewards of Quality Shipping," will examine the strides the maritime industry has taken over the past years to improve service, to protect the environment and the safety of those at sea, and to meet the challenges of global responsibility and competition.

Shipping '94 is positioned to attract industry leaders including shipowners and ship managers, shippers, shipbuilders and designers, financiers, attorneys and other consultants. Last year's conference, "Shipping'93: Shaping the Future of Shipping - The Road to Recovery" featured 50 exhibitors and more than 600 attendees, and show management projects this year's show as being bigger and better. The Shipping '94 seminar program has been drawn up by members from the CMA, working in consultation with members of the industry. Co-sponsors of the event include: The Baltic and International Maritime Council (BIMCO), International Association of Independent Tanker Owners (INTERTANKO), Federation of American Controlled Shipping (FACS) and International Association of Dry Cargo Shipowners (INTERCARGO).

The CIT Group, the Association of Ship Brokers and Agents, Bureau Veritas, Canaveral Port Authority, Segumar/Panama, Crescent Towing, Unitor and Seward & Kissel, and MCI International will all be sponsoring show events.

Scheduled to speak and participate in panels are, among oth- Philip J. Loree, chairman, FACS; Capt. Joachim Meyer, managing partner, Hanseatic Shipping Company, Ltd. and president, International Shipmanagers Association; Richard Quegan, Texaco, Inc.; RAdm.A.E. Henn, chief, Office of Marine Safety, Security and Environmental Protection, U.S. Coast Guard; Frank Iarossi, American Bureau of Shipping; Andreas Ugland, chairman, The Ugland Group and INTERTANKO; and Robert Wellner, president, International Marine Carriers.

In conjunction with Shipping '94, the CMA Board of Governors will present the CMA Commodore Award.

Shipping '94 will be held at the Sheraton Stamford Hotel & Towers, Stamford, Conn. For more information on the conference, contact Peter Casciano or Rikki Moran, International Marketing Strategies, Inc., 66 Field Point Road, Greenwich, Conn. 06830, tel: (203) 622-4014; fax: (203) 622-1929.

Shipping '94 Conference Sessions • Tues., March 15 MORNING SESSION: "The Costs - Does Quality Pay?" Speakers include: William A. Crawford, Star Shipping, president of CMA; James R.

Lawrence, president, Intl. Mrktg. Strategies; Philip J. Loree, chairman, FACS; Richard Quegan, gen. mgr., Texaco; RAdm. A.E. Henn, chief, Office of Marine Safety, Security and Environmental Protection, U.S. Coast Guard.

AFTERNOON SESSION: "The Benefits - What Are They? Speakers include: Frank Iarossi, chairman, ABS; Bo Wahlloff, president, International Union of Marine Insurance; Andreas Ugland, chairman, The Ugland Group and INTERTANKO.

Awards Dinner—Commodore Award Recipient: Thomas E. Moran, chairman, Moran Towing Corp.

•Weds., March 16 MORNING SESSION: "The Proof - Where Has Quality Paid?" Speakers Include: Arlie Sterling, president, Marsoft, Inc.; Lars Carlsson, president, Concordia AB, Sweden, charterer; Robert Wellner, president, International Marine Carriers, owner.

AFTERNOON SESSION: The Risks - The Threat of Ignoring Quality. Speakers Include: Richard W. J. Schiferli, deputy secretary, Paris Memorandum on Port State Control, Netherlands; Guy Morel, pres., MC Shipping.