Marine Link
Tuesday, July 16, 2024

a r i n e t t e M a r i n e R e c e i v e s O r d e r F o r a n k e r s

The preliminary order of two tankers by the Swedish tanker shipping company Furetank at Wisconsin's Marinette Marine is reportedly the first order from a Swedish shipping company placed at a U.S. shipyard since the 1920s. The Donso class chemical tanker is reportedly a technologically sophisticated and environmentally friendly design.

Furetank is a family business situated on the island of Donso in the Goteborg archipelago.

"Tanker shipping can be stimulated by this new cooperation," said Per Jessing, director, Swedish Shipowner's Association. "It is very exciting. We also think that the American shipbuilding industry, if it wants to, can gain new technology from the Donso model. It is the best model available anywhere today." Each ship will be 11,500 dwt. They are IMO-2 class product tankers, designed by Pelmatic Goteborg AB. The ships will integrate the latest in design technology and efficient operating characteristics. Simonship AB in Stockholm is the broker. The order is preliminary, pending approval of Title XI financing. A contract value was not available at press time.

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