Marine Link
Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Integrated Ship Production System Released

Nau-Ship is a ship production system developed as an application for the 3-D CAD software Microstation by Bentley Brothers Corp. Five years in development, Nau-Ship is a modular program, organized in three principal applications. N-Manager is the transparent database manager which maintains the 3-D model and the CAD environment settings. It also generates all input and out dialogues and data.

N-Model includes interface facilities with complimentary software, customizes the CAD interface and functionality to ship-production requirements, and automated creation of rectilinear profiles on surface. N-Product produces 3-D drawings of block assemblies, the information being automatically extracted from the database initially generated by N-Model. It also includes semi-automatic nesting of plates (which also accepts parts generated outside Nau- Ship), including bridge placement. For more detailed information Circle 6 4 on Reader Service Card