Colombo Dockyard Busy with Tanker Repairs
Thome Ship Management, S'pore managed Mt. Kirsten, SCI owned LPG “Nanga Parbat” and Mercator, India owned MT.“Harsha Prem”,Sanmar owned MT. “Sanmar Majesty” and Fuel Supplies, Male owned MT. “Hibaru” were undergoing repairs in the yard Jan-Feb. Colombo has been attracting many types of callers, Tanker owner/ managers have been regular visitors who take advantage of the excellent facilities available for tanker owners in this region.
Downtime Avoided with Arc Fault Protection
When power protection is evaluated the need to consider arc fault events is often neglected. However, the risk is at a high price when it takes so little to be safe. Most people tend to think that their switchboard will be sufficiently protected by e.g. overcurrent and a short-circuit relay. While this may be true for low voltage switchboard with small current, traditional circuit protection will not be sufficient for medium and high voltage switchboards, which harness larger amounts of energy.
Optimize Engine Heartbeat with Engineeye
Benefit from long-time quality measurements of the engine combustion process with a unique new handheld high performance cylinder pressure indicator. This MIP system will be the handy, safe and most trusted tool. Benefit from long-time quality measurements of the engine combustion process with the first handheld high performance cylinder pressure indicator made by SELCO. The new system is specially made with focus on usability and performance.
A&P Invest In Work Shop Facilities
A&P Group’s Falmouth yard has invested in and upgraded its engineering workshop as part of its ongoing improvement programme. The company’s machine workshop, that already holds 18 lathes and can accommodate 2.5m radius components up to 12m in length, has had new lathes and digital read outs fitted to increase quality and efficiency. Already a well established ship repair, conversion and fabrication business…
Transas' New Shipyard Crane Simulator
Transas Marine developed a new shipyard crane simulator under a request from BALENCIAGA Shipyard (Spain). The simulator will enable safe and cost-effective training of crane operators working with berth gantry crane of 160 t. BALENCIAGA Shipyard purchased this crane in 2006 in order to build large ship construction blocks which are assembled in the workshops and then transferred outside by hydraulic buggies.
Wärtsilä Supplies New Efficient PSV
The ship will be of the new VS 485 Mk III design and it will be one of the most cost and fuel-efficient supply vessels ever to be launched. Wärtsilä, the marine industry's leading solutions provider and system integrator, has been awarded the contract to supply the design and equipment for a new Platform Supply Vessel (PSV) for offshore operations. The order has been placed by Hellesøy Verft AS, the Norwegian shipyard that will build the vessel…
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