USS Ashland Loads Supplies for Haiti

Amphibious dock landing ship USS Ashland (LSD 48) moored at Naval Station Guantanamo Bay, Cuba Feb. 1-2 to on load food, water and supplies for the Haiti relief effort. Ashland took on more than 200 pallets of supplies, including more than 35 cases of bottled water, approximately 10,000 meals-ready-to-eat (MREs), baby food, baby diapers, mail for service members in Haiti and essential maintenance parts for U.S. ships providing the relief efforts in the area.
NWC Decries Funding Cuts in FY 2011
The National Waterways Conference decried the inadequate funding for the Army Corps of Engineers civil works program in the Administration’s budget for fiscal year 2011.
Easier Access to Electronic Charts
ENCs from Primar can now be downloaded directly to an electronic chart display and information system (ECDIS) after type-approval of the first such unit able to communicate with the internet.
FMC Meeting, Tariff Rate Exemption
The Federal Maritime Commission (FMC) issued a notice stating that it will meet in open session in its offices on February 10 to consider, among other things, a…
Hyundai Heavy Buys Stake in Brazilian Yard
According to a Feb. 4 report from JoonAng Daily, Hyundai Heavy Industries has signed a deal to acquire a 10 percent stake in the Brazilian shipbuilder OSX Estaleiros…
Bill for Study of Arctic Deep Water Port
Representative Young (R-AK) introduced a bill (H.R. 4576) to require a study and report on the feasibility and potential of establishing a deep water sea port in…
Joint Enforcement for 2010 Winter Games
Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Janet Napolitano and the Honorable Vic Toews, Canadian Minister of Public Safety, announced a new Shiprider pilot…
Tognum Honors Founder Karl Maybach

The 6th of February 2010 marks the 50th anniversary of the death of Karl Maybach, founder, director, partner and for many years technical mastermind behind what is today MTU Friedrichshafen, the core company of the Tognum Group. He died on Feb. 6 1960 in Friedrichshafen. Karl Maybach was born on July 6 1879 in Cologne-Deutz. On March 23, 1909, he founded, along with his father Wilhelm and Count Ferdinand von Zeppelin…
Bollinger Delivers 55K BBL Tank Barge

Lockport, La., Bollinger Marine Fabricators, L.L.C., a Bollinger Shipyards, Inc. company, has delivered the M 6000, a 55,000 barrel (bbl) Oil Pollution Act of 1990 (OPA’90) compliant tank barge, to Midstream Fuel Service, L.L.C., a wholly owned subsidiary of Martin Resource Management Corporation. Contract terms and conditions were not disclosed. The 55,000 bbl tank barge, M 6000, was built at Bollinger Marine Fabricators, L.L.C., in Amelia, La. and is a Bollinger design.
Northrop Grumman Q4 2009 Results
Northrop Grumman Corporation (NYSE: NOC) reported Q4 2009 net earnings of $413 million, or $1.31 per diluted share, and 2009 net earnings of $1.7 billion, or $5.21 per diluted share.
WCI on Gate Failure at Greenup Locks & Dam
Waterways Council, Inc. (WCI) President & CEO Cornel Martin has issued the following statement regarding the January 27, 2010 failure of the miter gate at the main…
Safety Failures Lead to Court
His Honour Judge Elwen at Truro Crown Court sentenced George Pill Sr., 61, to six months jail for each of the two offenses he plead guilty to and costs of ÂŁ8,500.
Sunken Sub in Balabac Strait is USS Flier
Commander, Submarine Forces Pacific Fleet (COMSUBPAC), Rear Adm. Douglas McAneny announced that a sunken vessel located in the Balabac Strait area of the Philippines…
This Day in Coast Guard History – Feb.5
1882- The schooner Mary L. Vankirk, bound for Philadelphian from South Creek, Pamlico Sound, NC. carrying a crew of five men, encountered heavy weather. She lost sails and sprung a leak…
This Day in Naval History – Feb. 5
1941 - Chief Nurse Marion B. Olds and Nurse Leona Jackson, Navy, arrive on Guam. 1971 - Moonwalk by CAPT Alan B. Shepherd, Jr. USN, Commander of Apollo 14 and CDR Edgar D.