General Dynamics USS New Hampshire Contract
General Dynamics Electric Boat has been awarded a $23.7m contract modification by the U.S. Navy to prepare for the post-shakedown availability (PSA) on the nuclear submarine New Hampshire (SSN-778).
Battleship Missouri Reopens

Hawaii Governor Linda Lingle and Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard commander Capt. Gregory R. Thomas joined the Battleship Missouri Memorial in saluting its volunteers and supporters as the historic ship fully reopened to visitation following a multimillion-dollar drydocking project. A ukulele band from the Big Island of Hawaii's Waiakea Intermediate School performed at a ceremony in honor of the memorial's volunteers and supporters.
Scandic Diesel Services Opens in Montreal
Climate change is a global problem that requires real solutions. That's why the Government of Canada supports a proactive approach to achieve real environmental…
Sutton Great Lakes Legislator of the Year

Congresswoman Betty Sutton (D-OH) was named 2010 Great Lakes Legislator of the Year by a labor/management coalition representing workers and industries dependent on shipping on the Great Lakes. Rep. Sutton, who represents Ohio’s 13th District in the House of Representatives, will formally receive the award from Great Lakes Maritime Task Force (GLMTF) in Washington on February 4.
STIDD Admiral Seats for the Alucia

A pair of Series 500 Admiral helm seats from marine seating manufacturer STIDD Systems was chosen for the helm of the Alucia, a 183-ft former research vessel rebuilt as an exploration yacht. The Alucia, originally launched in 1974 as RV Nadir by the French government as a platform for marine science and research, is now exploring the world’s deepest oceans for DeepOcean Quest. The STIDD Admiral helm seats aboard Alucia feature black UltraLeather upholstery and are finished in tough…
Seafarers & Int'l House Awards Banquet
On Thursday evening, April 22, 2010, Seafarers & International House will hold its annual awards banquet, “Setting the Course,” at the New York Athletic Club for the purpose of honoring Donald Keefe…
Royal Fleet Ship Deploys to Haiti

The UK sent a Royal Fleet Auxiliary supply ship loaded with aid to help with the relief operation in Haiti, International Development Secretary Douglas Alexander has announced. The ship, RFA Largs Bay, was despatched at the request of the United Nations and sailed from the UK carrying relief supplies that will be needed by the people of Haiti in the weeks and months ahead. The ship will have the capacity…
Crowley Completes Cargo Lightering in Haiti

Crowley Maritime Corporation, working under contract with the U.S. Transportation Command (USTRANSCOM), successfully discharged 202 20-foot containers of relief supplies across a beach in Port-au-Prince, Haiti yesterday marking the largest post-disaster lightering operation to date. This successful, larger scale operation follows a trial shipment of 12 containers last week. In addition to the two sailings of the Marcajama directly into Port-au-Prince…
CARB Commercial Harbor Craft Workshop
The California Air Resources Board staff invites the public to participate in a Commercial Harbor Craft workshop on February 16, 2010, from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. in Sacramento (and via webcast).
This Day in Coast Guard History – Feb. 1
1871- Using his administrative authority Secretary of the Treasury George S. Boutwell re-established a Revenue Marine Bureau within the Department and assigned Sumner I.
This Day in Naval History – Feb. 1
1941 - United States Fleet reorganized, reviving Atlantic and Pacific Fleets 1942 - USS Enterprise and Yorktown make first WW II air strike, Japanese Marshall Islands 1955 - Operation Deep Freez