DMCC, Maersk Team up on Shipping Solution
Dubai Multi Commodities Centre (DMCC), the world’s leading Free Zone for trade and enterprise in Dubai, has teamed up with Maersk Trade Finance to offer a ‘one-stop…
ECSA Supports IMO
European Community Shipowners' Associations (ECSA) representing the European shipowners believe that continuous progress was made last week at the International…
DryShips Announces VLGC Time Charter
DryShips, a diversified owner of ocean going cargo vessels, announced that, on November 5, 2017, its third Very Large Gas Carrier commenced its time charter on a…
Singapore Revokes Transocean Oil's Bunker License
The Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA) has revoked the bunker supplier and bunker craft operator licences of Transocean Oil Pte Ltd, with effect from 6 November 2017.
Scorpio Bulkers Acquires Four Vessels
Scorpio Bulkers, announced that it has entered into two separate agreements with unaffiliated third parties to acquire three Ultramax dry bulk vessels and one Kamsarmax dry bulk vessel.
Port State Control Regimes Move to Boost Collaboration
The port State control regimes which carry out inspections on ships to monitor and enforce compliance with international regulations have pledged to strengthen their…
Upbeat Outlook for Dry Bulk Charter Rates
Drewry expects dry bulk shipping charter rates to recover from the second quarter of 2018 on the back of strengthening Asian iron ore demand, according to the latest…
IMO Updates COP23 on Climate Change Work
The progress made in starting to shape a draft comprehensive International Maritime Organization (IMO) strategy on reduction of GHG emissions from ships has been…
Latvian Delegation Visits JNPT
Jawaharlal Nehru Port Trust (JNPT) at Mumbai hosted a high-level delegation led by the Prime Minister of Latvia Mr Maris Kucinskis, on 4th November, 2017 . The delegation…
Darwin Farewells Namesake City
HMAS Darwin has completed her final port visit to Darwin, farewelling the city by exercising the right to Freedom of Entry and showcasing her capability to thousands of locals.
YANMAR EVO//CENTER Opens in Georgia

National, state and local officials joined together with YANMAR America and its honored guests to officially open the YANMAR EVO//CENTER located at the corner of Highway 92 and Old Alabama Road in Acworth, Georgia. Situated on 50-plus acres of land in Cherokee County, the new 50,000 square foot facility opened on November 3, 2017 features six state-of-the-art product training labs with classroom and hands-on space…
Recent Vessel Sales: October 2017
Vessel sales for October 2017 (as of November 1) as prepared by Shipping Intelligence, Inc., New York. 10/29 - COASTAL NO.
Launch: MarTID - the Global Maritime Training Insights Database

MarTID – the Maritime Training Insights Database -- a historic initiative to study global maritime training practices -- launches today. There is broad agreement that as much as 80% of maritime accidents involve human factors causes. As such, top vessel operators and maritime training centers are pouring significant resources into creating best practice and innovative training programs. This is good.
Ontario Orders Two New Ferries

The Government of Ontario has signed a contract with Damen Shipyards Group for the design, build and delivery for two “road” ferries to operate in the Canadian waters of the Great Lakes from 2019 and 2020. The new ferries will be a 68-meter Damen Road Ferry 6819 and a 98-meter Damen Road Ferry 9819, both designed in-house by Damen and fully customized for the local infrastructure. Although one vessel is 30 meters longer than the other…
Op/Ed: Facts Do Matter - A Defense of the Jones Act

I recently read a story in The New Yorker – but that sounds more intellectual than what really happened, let me start over. I recently clicked a link on Facebook, which sought to explain why the term “Fake News” has become so popular. The article claimed that facts no longer matter to the average voter. As evidence (yes, the article explaining why facts don’t matter included evidence), it detailed a study whereby the subjects had been given false information…
Managing Change the AVEVA Way

In today’s marine-scape of declining newbuild activity, many boatbuilders are seeking to buoy up productivity by reducing time to market. But how do you go about contracting intricate concurrent design and production flows without loss of quality, let alone the risk of production spiraling out of control? The general tendency is to overlap design phases. However, this potentially creates a greater number of uncertainties.
The ‘Ag Coast’ of America

St. Louis Region’s Agriculture Freight Network Poised for Growth as Handling Capacity Increases along a 15-mile section of the Mississippi River. Located in the heartland of America, one 15-mile section of the Mississippi River in the St. Louis, Missouri, region delivers the highest level of grain barge handling capacity anywhere along the Mississippi River. Known as the “Agriculture or Ag Coast” of America in terms of barge transfer facilities for agricultural products…
Speedcast Launches SIGMA Gateway Xtreme
Speedcast International Limited, provider of fully managed, remote communication and IT solutions, has announced the release of SIGMA Gateway Xtreme, a new network…
Water Needs Exceeded with FCI Watermakers Posideon+

FCI Watermakers' high-output Poseidon+ exceeds the average water needs of a commercial vessel. Designed to run 24/7 with low maintenance overhead and costs, it reliably produces 54–103m3/14,265–27,210 gallons of pure, fresh water every day. The Poseidon+ is engineered to meet the rigorous demands of a commercial marine application. Engineered and built in the U.S., it boasts a continuous-duty direct…
Great Lakes Limestone Trade Climbs in October

Shipments of limestone on the Great Lakes totaled 3.65 million tons in October, an increase of 10.6 percent compared to a year ago, according to the Lake Carriers' Association (LCA). October’s loadings were also 7.5 percent ahead of the month’s five-year average. Loadings from U.S. quarries totaled 3 million tons, an increase of 11.1 percent compared to a year ago, while shipments from Canadian quarries totaled 665,000 tons, an increase of 8.4 percent over a year ago, LCA said.
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