HK Container Terminal Strikers Camp on Owner's Doorstep
Striking dockers step up their action outside owner Li Ka-shing's office building to urge Asia's richest man to intervene. According to the South China Morning Post…
China-U.S. Ocean Thermal Energy Plant Development

Lockheed Martin and Reignwood Group to develop South China Sea ocean thermal energy conversion (OTEC) power plant. A memorandum of agreement between the two companies was signed recently in Beijing. Following the ceremony, both companies met with United States Secretary of State John Kerry during his first official state visit to the People’s Republic of China. The 10-megawatt offshore plant, to be designed by Lockheed Martin…
Carnival Splashes Out US$300-M on Reliability & Comfort Program

Carnival Cruise Lines implements enhancements to emergency power capabilities, fire safety technology, & improved operating redundancies across its fleet. The cruise lines say that this enhancement program, is to cost more than $300 million, and rapid upgrades have already begun. The actions by Carnival Cruise Lines will expand the availability of hotel services for the comfort of its guests in the rare instance of a shipboard event that involves the loss of main power.
Ecochlor BWMS Gets USCG AMS Acceptance
Ecochlor, Inc. receives US Coast Guard Alternative Management System (AMS) acceptance for its full line of ballast water management systems (BWMS). AMS acceptancel…
Three Persons 3,300-ft Submersible Sold

Brownie's Marine Group, developer, manufacturer & distributor of dive and water safety products, sells a Triton 3300/3 submersible. The denomination 3300/3 refers to the depth rating of 3,300 feet for up to three people. Triton builds competitively superior submersibles uniquely suited to yacht and exploration ship integration. Triton production models are available in two and three person versions; custom, multi-passenger arrangements are also available.
A Call for Transportation Management Upgrades

In 2009, the United States alone shipped more than 2.2 billion pounds of goods such as coal, crude materials like wood, sand and gravel, and primary manufactured goods (United States Census Bureau). Undoubtedly, this required complex logistical planning for companies shipping their goods and left many transportation managers with headaches. Therefore, it should come as no surprise that there is an…
Understanding the Ups and Downs of Insurance

Business is cyclical, and nowhere is there more evidence of its cyclical nature than in the insurance market, characterized by ups and downs in insurance premiums, coverages and profitability. By most accounts, the current insurance market has been one of the most competitive in recent memory. With intense price-cutting and expanding coverages, these conditions are typical of a “soft” market which is very much a buyers’ market.
ChartWorld Launches ChartBrowser 2.0

ChartWorld launched its new ChartBrowser 2.0. This tool supports all official ENC formats from UKHO, Primar and IC-ENC as well as the ACES (S)ENC format for eGlobe, S-ECDIS and Imtech ECDIS. In addition, ordering of ARCS and paper charts is supported too. ChartBrowser is a free of charge plug and play solution for the officers on board. It guarantees an always adequate, safe, up-to-date and cost effective ENC inventory on board of ECDIS fitted vessels.
Grup TCB Orders Orbita GateSuite for Barcelona Terminal

Container terminal operator Grup TCB has selected process automation and engineering specialist Orbita Ingenieria to automate the truck gates at its flagship facility, TCB - Terminal de Contenidors de Barcelona. The contract will see Orbita supply its GateSuite optical character recognition (OCR) solution to automate 10 new entry and exit truck lanes being built as part of a major expansion program at the leading Spanish container terminal.
Astrium Offers XChange Upgrade
Astrium Services released a new software version for its established XChange connectivity platform, which offers a range of new features to facilitate permanent remote access…
Key Salvage Issues for 2013 – and Beyond…

This is a good time to look aft and reflect on the accomplishments achieved in 2012, as well as to the distant horizon to see what challenges loom in 2013, and beyond. It is fair to say that the Coast Guard and salvage industry have come a long way in the last few years with implementation of a salvage and firefighting final rule; first published in December 2008, delayed until February 22, 2011, to…
The eLPP: Lamor’s New Power-Pack

Lamor Corporation launched its next generation smart eco Lamor Power Pack (eLPP 55-80) at Spillcon in Cairns, Australia. The eLPP is one unit with multiple functions to operate several oil spill response units: skimmers, pumps and boom reels simultaneously, as well as other hydraulically driven equipment with green technology. In staying ahead of new and stricter legislation, Lamor eLPP series has…
Safe Operations, Proven Results

The recent editorial (MarineNews February edition) by Jeff Cowan entitled “The Articulated Tug Barge (ATB) Quandary” raised more than a few eyebrows here at the American Waterways Operators (AWO) and among AWO members who operate ATBs. Mr. Cowan has it backwards: far from being unsafe, ATBs in fact represent a significant advancement in safety in the coastal tugboat and barge industry and have a long history of safe operation. Mr.
MOL Assists in Transport of Mobile Library Vehicles to South Africa

Mitsui O.S.K. Lines, Ltd. announced plans to assist the non-profit organization South Africa Primary Education Support Initiative (Sapesi-Japan, *1) with the ocean transport of mobile library vehicles to the Republic of South Africa. Such assistance was provided in 2009 and 2010, so the current project is the third for MOL. MOL previously transported 24 vehicles, and in this phase, it will transport eight vehicles.
GM Engineering Debuts New TugCam

GM Engineering Services released its latest version of in the TugCam series. The manufacturer claims TugCam eliminates blind spots for tugboat captains and allows them to see in complete darkness. A complete video from the latest TugCam including four different shots from using the TugCam during sea trials is available here. The TugCam is a rapidly deployable wireless camera system designed to increase the safety and efficiency of the captains and crew.
Technology Associates Awarded $6.1 Million USCG Contract
Technology Associates, Inc., a New Orleans based Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering firm, announced that it signed a contract with the U.S. Coast Guard to…
Maritime License Training Company Expands Training Course

Nautis USA of Annapolis, Maryland delivered the newest generation of the Nautis Maritime Training Simulater to Maritime License Training Company in Jacksonville. "Maritime License Training Company has greatly expanding its maritime training course and assessment offerings with their Nautis DNV Certified Class B" Full Mission Bridge Simulator," said Victor Tufts, Sales Director of Nautis Simulation USA.
Diana Containerships Sells M/V Maersk Madrid

Diana Containerships Inc., a global shipping company specializing in owning and operating containerships, announced that it signed, through a separate wholly-owned subsidiary, a Memorandum of Agreement to sell to an unaffiliated third party the 1989-built vessel Maersk Madrid (to be renamed Madrid) for demolition, with delivery due to the buyers by mid-May 2013, for a sale price of approximately $8.8 million (USD) before commissions.
UASC Announces Expansion Plans

UASC announced two senior executive appointments to further position the company for its next phase of growth. The major transformation and investment program which is underway, calls for a new operating model to support the business. The appointments provide the depth and breadth to UASC’s Executive Management team to deliver on ambitious growth plans. “UASC is preparing for significant changes on the back of new capacity coming into service with a major program of new vessel acquisition…
Partnership to Provide Simulation-Based Training
Tundra International announced it has entered an exclusive partnership with Mr. David Hammond, Barrister of 9 Bedford Row International Chambers to identify and…
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