Holdren to Report on Obama Administration Science and Technology Policy

On May 8, 2013, Dr. John P. Holdren will be the keynote speaker in the President’s Distinguished Lecture Series, hosted by Stevens Institute of Technology President Nariman Farvardin. Holdren is Assistant to the President for Science and Technology, Director of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) and Co-chair of the President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST).
Hyde Marine, PG Marine Group and OSV’s: A Perfect Fit
Ballast water treatment equipment manufacturer Hyde Marine provides systems for all sizes and manners of vessels, but increasingly, the U.S.-based subsidiary of…
Responding to “The Articulated Tug Barge (ATB) Quandary”

I read with great dismay, the article that appeared in your magazine’s February 2013 issue, entitled “THE ARTICULATED TUG BARGE (ATB) QUANDRY”. noun, plural quandaries : a state of perplexity or uncertainty, especially as to what to do; dilemma. There is no dilemma involving AT/B’s present in the coastwise or ocean transportation marketplace. AT/B’s are indeed increasingly supplanting ships in the Jones Act coastal trade.
Vigor Industrial Promotes Bryan Nichols and Grant Fosheim

Vigor Industrial made two promotions in its sales and marketing team, advancing Bryan Nichols to Manager of Sales and Marketing and Grant Fosheim to Sales and Marketing Associate. Bryan Nichols joined Vigor Industrial in 2011 as a sales representative. He will now serve as Manager of Vigor’s Sales and Marketing division, which is focused on the new build and major refit markets. He will supervise Vigor’s…
BSEE Completes Final Rule

As part of the Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement’s (BSEE) commitment to promoting offshore safety at all levels, at all times, Director Jim Watson has announced another step in a series of efforts to further identify, address and manage operational safety hazards and impacts, with the goal of enhancing both human safety and environmental protection on the U.S. Outer Continental Shelf.
Maritime Lawyers Join Forces with Shipowners
New Brochure highlights importance of FAL Convention, as IMO Facilitation Committee meets in London. A copy of the new ICS, ISF and CMI Campaign Brochure is attached…
AfrikDelta Marine Ltd, To Offer Marine and Offshore Services

For 10 years, the Jagal Group has been in partnership with Lamnalco Limited in Nigeria. This partnership was designed to meet the industry's need to provide a world class service and deliver on the local content and cabotage requirements. A new company has been established. AfrikDelta Marine Ltd (ADML). AfrikDelta Marine Limited (ADML) is a wholly owned indigenous company and is backed by Jagal Group's 40 years of experience in fabrication…
IMCA Publishes Updated Design for Saturation (Bell) Diving Systems

Offshore equipment and operating practices are routinely improved in the constant quest for ever-greater levels of safety and efficiency. The International Marine Contractors Association’s (IMCA) newly published ‘Diving Equipment Systems Inspection Guidance Note (DESIGN) for Saturation (Bell) Diving Systems’ (IMCA D 024 Rev 1) reflects the changes that have taken place since its initial publication in 2001.
Diana Shipping Inc. Announces Time Charter Contract
Diana Shipping Inc. (NYSE:DSX), a global shipping company specializing in the ownership and operation of dry bulk vessels, has announced that it has entered into…
L27/38-Powered Vessels to Operate for BP and Topaz Marine

MAN Diesel & Turbo’s medium-speed propulsion packages have gained another foothold in Middle Eastern offshore operations. After successfully completed seatrials, Abu Dhabi-based Adyard has earlier delivered the ‘Topaz Dignity’ – which is now followed by the ‘Topaz Triumph’ AHTS. Topaz Energy and Marine, a subsidiary of Oman-based Renaissance Services SAOG and a regional leader in providing offshore support vessels and engineering services…
Derecktor to Build Catamaran

Robert E. Derecktor, Inc., is pleased to announce its selection to build a new 19.2-meter catamaran research and classroom vessel for The Maritime Aquarium at Norwalk (CT). The Maritime Aquarium has been providing student and public research voyages in the protected waters of Long Island Sound since 1988. The new Incat Crowther-designed all-aluminum vessel will carry up to 65 students with a crew of 5. The safety of the students is of paramount importance to the vessel's design and construction.
UK Statutory Residence Test Does Away with Grey Areas
International accountant and shipping adviser Moore Stephens says the introduction by the UK of a statutory residence test will bring much greater certainty to an…
LOC Doubles Size in Hong Kong

Marine & engineering specialist advisors underscore Asia capabilities and commitment to the region. London Offshore Consultants (LOC), the leading marine and engineering advisory group, have doubled the size of their Hong Kong office with the appointment of Ed Wollaston and Steve Salt, effective immediately. Mr Wollaston, a naval architect and chartered engineer, will be responsible for claims investigation specialising in classification and ship structural issues.
“Silk Road” Requires Sophisticated Counter-Piracy

As a special to Piracy Daily, Andrew Moulder discusses the international importance of the United Arab Emirates as a vital gateway for emerging markets and the importance of sophisticated counter-piracy efforts. The role of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) as the far most important regional hub for East- West ship transport offers a critical demonstration of both the scope and the need for sophistication of counter-piracy enforcement in the Gulfs of Aden and Oman.
Greek Shipowners Invest Hugely in New Ships
Greek ship-owners bought 72 ships within the first three months of 2013, invest US$848-million in their companies. While the Greek government continues to mull plans…
Russian PM Calls for Protection of Baltic Subsea Pipeline
Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev calls for environmental protection along the Nord Stream natural gas pipeline under the Baltic Sea. Nord Stream operates two gas pipelines…
Seafarers' Voluntary Welfare Service Active in Port of Cleveland
The Port of Cleveland is a particularly welcoming destination for foreign crews, enhanced by the Cleveland Seaman's Service. In his CEO's port stakeholders' letter…
Arctic Integrated Management & Planning Advocated
A US interagency working group calls for an integrated management strategy for the rapidly changing Arctic. The recently issued report of the inter-agency working group…
London International Shipping Week: Speaker Line-up
Shipping industry heavyweights as well as City of London financial services luminaries dominate the line-up so far confirmed. Speakers so far confirmed include The Lord Mayor of the City of London…
Rare Chinese HK Dock Strike Supported
Dock workers at Hong Kong International Terminals (HIT) on strike since 30, March 2013, get international union support. In their latest statement the International…
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