Irving Shipbuilding Delivers Tugs to Nordane

East Isle Shipyard in Prince Edward Island , Canada, a division of Irving Shipbuilding Inc., has delivered the first of four tugs to Nordane Shipping, Svendborg, Denmark on the 8th of September 2009. Present at the christening from the owner's side were Niels Hansen and Flemming Hansen along with their wive’s. The new Ice Class Tug was christened by the wife of the President of Irving Shipbuilding, Inc., Karen Durrell, her husband Steve Durrell hosted the event.
France First to Sign Hong Kong Recycling Convention
France has become the first country to sign, subject to ratification, the Hong Kong International Convention for the Safe and Environmentally Sound Recycling of Ships, 2009.
Public Participation Sought in EU Study
In his address to the Intermodal Association of North America, the National Industrial Transportation League, and the Transportation Intermediaries Association during the Super Session…
William M. Benkert Environmental Awards
The U.S. Coast Guard is soliciting nominations for the 2010 William M. Benkert Marine Environmental Protection Awards. The awards, named for the late Rear Admiral Benkert…
Chicago Sanitary & Ship Canal Closure
The U.S. Coast Guard issued a temporary rule establishing safety and security zones on the Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal near Romeoville, Ill intended to restrict…
Italian Minehunters Sonar Upgraded
Thales has signed a significant contract with Intermarine to supply its Sonar 2093 system to the Italian Navy’s (Marina Militare Italiana) Gaeta-class minehunting fleet.
ASA Member Responds to Grounded Bulk Carrier
A member of the American Salvage Association (ASA) responded to a grounded bulk carrier, CSL Assiniboine, which occurred on November 16 in the St. Lawrence Seaway near Cardinal, Ontario, Canada.
Statfjord Celebrates 30 Years on Stream

Thirty years after the Statfjord field started production, one of the largest oil fields in the North Sea has now become a gas field. “On 24 November 1979 we brought one of the North Sea’s largest oil fields on stream,” said Øystein Michelsen, executive vice president for Statoil’s Exploration & Production Norway business area. “Today we operate a field where 65% of the total output is gas. Through the Statfjord late life project…
Siemens Supplies UASC Newbuilds
The United Arab Shipping Company (UASC), U.A.E., commissioned the Siemens Industry Solutions Division to equip nine of its new-building container ships each with…
Jumbo Shipping Completes Pearl GTL Project

Jumbo Shipping has completed a two-year project for the Pearl GTL project of Qatar Shell GTL Ltd. From 2007 to November 2009, 24 reactors of 1,200 tonnes each have been transported to the Port of Ras Laffan. With 28,800 tonnes of heavy metal, Jumbo Logistics and Jumbo Shipping made a solid contribution to the Pearl GTL project. Jumbo’s HLV Fairpartner transported 12, German-built, reactors from Rotterdam.
Drydocks World Regasification Terminal Project

Drydocks World - Dubai, a ship repair, conversion and new building yard and the flagship company of Drydocks World, announced that work is underway on its first ever Floating Storage Re-gasification Unit (FSRU) conversion project, known as the FSRU LIVORNO Project. The conversion of the Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) carrier, Golar Frost into an FSRU, is being handled by the Main Contractor, Saipem, a…
Offshore Rig Survey Covers More NPT Factors
Athens Group and ModuSpec announced their co-sponsorship of the industry survey The State of Non-Productive Time on Highly-Automated Offshore Rigs: Second Annual Benchmarking Study.
Shipnet Supplies K Line LNG Shipping
ShipNet has been selected by K Line LNG Shipping (UK) Ltd to replace their Safety and Document Management solutions, sub-sections of ShipNet’s Marine ERP, onboard their eight LNG carriers and ashore.
This Day in Coast Guard History – Nov. 25
1968-M/V Triple Crown foundered off the coast of Southern California with a loss of nine lives while retrieving the anchor and chain of a large offshore drilling rig.
This Day in Naval History – Nov. 25
1775 - Continental Congress authorizes privateering. 1943 - In Battle of Cape St. George, 5 destroyers of Destroyer Squadron 23 (Captain Arleigh Burke) intercept…