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Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Chart Agent, ECS Provider, Move Office

Maritime Activity Reports, Inc.

January 29, 2013

The New Office: Photo credit Chartworld

The New Office: Photo credit Chartworld

ChartWorld & SevenCs have moved offices to the heart of Hamburg opposite the BSH (German Hydrographic Office).

“As the companies are growing, we now have enough space to accommodate the team now and in the future. The new office and its location are a big step forward for us and will help us to ensure high quality products and services to our customers.” Jochen Rudolph, Managing Director, comments.

Established in 2000, ChartWorld is a leading chart agent specializing in the resale of digital maritime data and data services for professional maritime use. ChartWorld offers professional mariners a wide range of products and services including a full range of ENCs from providers such as PRIMAR, IC-ENC and the UKHO, private nautical charts from providers such as Navionics and ChartWorld itself, navigational publications from the UKHO, and digital paper chart update services.

ChartWorld is a sister company of SevenCs GmbH, a leading provider of software for maritime navigation. The software offered by SevenCs consists of the EC2007 ECDIS Kernel used by OEMs worldwide to develop chart display applications, the ENC Tools for electronic nautical chart production, and specialist ECS applications.