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Fincantieri, Finmeccanica in Part Renewal of Italian Navy fleet

Maritime Activity Reports, Inc.

November 11, 2015


As part of the renewal of the fleet of the Navy, The first tranche has been launched in recent months, OCCAR (Organisation de Cooperation Conjointe sur l'Armement, the international organization for cooperation armaments) has ordered an additional Multipurpose Offshore Patrol (PPA) to the temporary consortium (RTI), formed between Fincantieri, the agent, and Finmeccanica, through principal Selex ES, activating the option contract and uniting the production in a ' single phase, thus made ​​immediately operational.

They become so seven patrol PPA in order to RTI. The previous six were assigned in May, and another three units are still optional. Delivery of the first patrol boat is expected in 2021. The deliveries of the next patrol boats are scheduled in 2022, 2023, 2024 with two units, in 2025 and 2026.

In addition to patrol PPA, is planned to build, already contracted in recent months, a unit of logistics support (LSS or Logistic Support Ship) and an amphibious multirole (LHD or Landing Helicopter Dock), the latter through the form of a public contract with the Directors of the Italian defense.

The total value of contracts awarded to RTI thus reaches a value of about 5.4 billion euro, of which the share of Fincantieri is approximately 3.6 billion euro, while the Finmeccanica amounts to about 1.8 billion euro. This completes the assignment of operating contracts related to the first tranche of the multiannual program for the renewal of the fleet of the Navy (the "naval Law").

The fundamental characteristic common to all three classes of ships is their very high level of innovation that makes them extremely flexible in the different usage profiles with a high degree of efficiency and configuration capabilities. In particular, these units have a double profile of use (the so-called dual use), one typically for military and civil protection operations and rescue at sea; additionally have a low environmental impact, through advanced propulsion systems auxiliary low emissions (electric motors) and control biological effluent.

The temporary consortium (RTI) was established under the arrangement of cooperation in the construction of military ships from Fincantieri and Finmeccanica signed in October 2014, in which Fincantieri acts as a single interface to the customer, enhancing, at the same time, the supply of products of Finmeccanica in marine. Finmeccanica in the agreement, holds the design authority of the entire Combat System.

In addition to the construction of these units at its construction sites, Fincantieri will provide support to the life cycle in the first ten years, divided into logistics activities (courses, spare parts, technical documentation) during the construction of the units and ISS, In Service Support (maintenance activity ), developed during the exercise in post-delivery, and that of naval components and machines made ​​by management systems and components, such as shaft lines, steering, thrusters, stabilizer fins and other handling equipment, and the plant automation and part of special supplies for the PPA by the subsidiary Seastema SpA

Finmeccanica will act as prime contractor for the combat system through Selex ES, which will develop new multifunctional radar faces fixed dual band X / C, the integrated communication, the latest generation, the new electro-optical sensors, the new direction of the shot and the innovative Combat Management System open architecture. Selex ES will also have the responsibility of all the subsystems - including new development achieved by companies Oto Melara (76mm cannon sovraponte), WASS (sonar curtain drawn), MBDA (anti-ballistic defense system) and electronics (electronic warfare system ) - and the support to the life cycle in the first decade (integrated logistics support and "in-service").

Furthermore Selex ES and Fincantieri jointly develop the innovative system called "Cockpit", which will allow, for the first time, to manage in an integrated operations relating both to the operation of the ship are to the combat system, with a reduced number of operators thanks the techniques of "augmented reality".