January 2013 issue of Maritime Reporter and Engineering News

Feature: Ship Repair & Conversion
Technical: Pumps, Valves & Pipes
Product: Pumps, Valves & Pipes
TOTE ‘Walks the Walk’ Page: 301
Construction Commences on Innovative LNG Carrier Page: 301
Richard Bludworth Bludworth Marine LLC Page: 301
Responder Immunity Page: 301
Jones Act Offshore: Navigating in 2013 Page: 301
Scania Unveils the Future Page: 301
Cat Covers it All Page: 301
90% Less NOx Page: 301
New Marine Engines Page: 301
Oil & Water do Mix Page: 301
- AUSTAL USA: Rolling Strong into 2013 Page: 301
USS Makin Island: Proven Fuel Efficient Page: 301
TOTE Goes Gas Page: 301
ABC: Powering Up for the Next 100 Years Page: 301
Case Study: 6S50MC Main Engine Overhaul Page: 301
Ballast Water Tech: RWO Page: 42
Dyena Acceleration Recorders Page: 58