Marine Link
Friday, March 21, 2025


JUNE Marine Refrigeration: June 1, London, U.K.

Contact: Kathleen Ford, conference organizer, The Institute of Marine Engineers, 76 Mark Lane, London EC3R 7JN, tel: + 4 4 171 481 8493; fax: +44 171 481 8493.

ASME Turbo Expo '95 — Land, Sea & Air: June 5-8, Houston, Texas. Contact: The American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 5801 Peachtree Dunwoody Ra., Suite 100, Atlanta, Ga. 30342-1503, tel: (404) 847-0072, fax: (404) 847-1503.

MARICHEM Asia '95: June 7-9, Raffles City Convention Centre, Singapore. Contact: RAI Exhibitions Singapore Pte. Ltd., 1 Maritime Square, # 0 9 - 4 9 World Trade Centre, Singapore 0409, tel: 65- 272 2250, fax: 65-272 6744.

World Fishing Exhibition '95: June 7- 10, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Contact: Patricia Foster, Exhibition Director, Nexus Media Ltd., 84 Kew Rd., Richmond, Surrey, TW9 2PQ, England, tel: + 4 4 (0) 181 332 9273; fax: +44 (0) 181 332 9335.

19th World Ports Conference of the International Association of Ports and Harbors: June 10-16, Westin Hotel, Seattle, Wash.

Contact: Port of Seattle, Port Communications, Attn: IAPH 19th World Conference, P.O. Box 1209, Seattle, Wash.


1995 International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference: June 11-16, The Hague, The Netherlands.

Contact: The International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers (ISOPE) 95, The Hague TPC, P.O. Box 1107, Golden, Colo. 80402-1107, fax: (303) 420-3760.

SPE Petroleum Computer Conference: June 11-14, Houston, Texas.

Contact: SPE, Office, 4 Mandeville Pi., W 1 M 5LA, London, England, tel: +44 71 4 8 7 4250; fax: +44 71 4 8 7 4229. SNAME Fourth National Workshop: June 13-15, Maritime Institute of Technology and Graduate Studies, Linthicum Heights, Md.

Contact: Frank Long, Workshop project manager, W i n / W i n Strategies, 1160 Blossom Circle, Bethlehem, Pa. 18017- 1008, tel: (610) 865-1588; fax: (610) 868-5886.

Nor-Shipping '95: June 13-16, Sjolyst Exhibition Center, Oslo, Norway.

Contact: Norwegian Trade Fair Foundation, P.O. Box 130 Skoyen, N-0212 Oslo, Norway, tel: + 4 7 22 43 91 00; fax: + 4 7 22 43 19 14.

XIV Copinaval, Marine Expo '95, Pan- American Congress of Naval Engineering, Maritime Transportation and Port Engineering: June 13-16, Lima, Peru. Contact: XIV Copinaval, Organizing Committee, Av. Contralmirante Mora 1102, Base Naval del Callao, P.O. Box 112, Callao, Peru, tel: +51 14 652171 ; fax:+51 14 657966.

Warship '95: Offshore Protection Vessels: June 14-15, London, U.K.

Contact: Amanda Wilkes-Brough, Royal Institution of Naval Architects, 10 Upper Belgrave St., London, U. K. SW1X 8BQ, tel: +44 171 235 4622; fax: +44 171 245 6959.

International Hydrofoil Society 25th Anniversary Celebration and Conference: June 14-16, Army-Navy Country Club, Arlington, Va.

Contact: IHS, P.O. Box 51, Cabin John, Md. 20818 3rd Annual NAVSEA/NAVSUP International Logistics Symposium: June 19-22, Hyatt Regency Hotel, Crystal City, Va.

Contact: Sandra Kramer, NAVSEA, tel: (703) 602-9000; fax: (703)602- 7951.

Offshore Noise and Vibration: June 20, Aberdeen, U.K.

Contact: The IMarE Conferences Dept., The Institute of Marine Engineers, 76 Mark Lane, London EC3R 7JN, tel: +44 171 481 8493; fax: +44 171 488 1854.

International Heavy Oil Symposium: June 25-27, Calgary, Canada. Con- tact: SPE, Office, 4 Mandeville Pl.( W 1 M l 5LA, London, England, tel: + 4 4 71 4871 4250; fax: +44 71 4 8 7 4229.

International Rope Technology Workshop (IRTW): June 25-28, Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y.

Contact: IRTW c / o Pigeon Mountain I Industries, P.O. Box 803, Lafayette, Ga. 30728,tel: (706) 764-1437; fax: (706) I 764-1531.

American Petroleum Institute (API) Production Annual Standardization Conference: June 26-29, Palliser Hotel & Skyline Plaza, Calgary, Canada. Contact: API, 1220 L. Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20005, tel: (202) 662-8000; fax: (202) 682-8223.

International Fisheries Conference: June 28-30, Cape Town, South Africa.

Contact: MGH Bremen GmbH, tel: +49 421 3630521; fax:+49 421 321485. JULY SPE Forum Series in North America: July 16-August 11, Snowmass Village, Colo.

Contact: SPE, Office, 4 Mandeville PL, W 1 M 5LA, London, England, tel: +44 71 4 8 7 4250; fax: +44 71 4 8 7 4229. AUGUST Dam Engineering '95: August 1 -2, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Contact: John S. Y. Tan, Dam Engineering '95, conference secretariat, 150 Orchard Road, #07-14, Orchard Plaza, Singapore 0923, tel: +65 7332922; fax: +65 2353530.

8th American Water Jet Conference: August 26-30, J.W. Marriott Hotel, Houston, Texas.

Contact: WJTA, 818 Olive St., Suite 918, St. Louis, Mo. 63101-1598, tel: (314) 241-1445, fax: (314)241-1449. MARTRANS '95 - First International Conference on Marine Transport in the 21st Century: August 30-September 1, Plymouth,U.K.

Contact: Paula Doughty-Young, MARTRANS 95 conference secretariat, Wessex Institute of Technology, Ashurst Lodge, Ashurst, Southampton, S040 7AA, U.K., tel: +44 703 293223; fax: +44 703 292853.

SEPTEMBER Offshore Europe: September 5-8, Aberdeen. Contact: SPE, Office, 4 Mandeville PL, W 1 M 5LA, London, England, tel: +44 71 4 8 7 4250; fax: + 4 4 71 4 8 7 4229. American Waterways Operators (AWO) Fall Convention & Board of Jirectors Meeting: September 7-8, Seattle, Wash.

Contact: AWO, fax: (703) 841-0389. 5PE Forum Series in Europe: September ll 0-29, Seefeld, Austria.

IContact: SPE, Office, 4 Mandeville Pi., I W 1 M 5LA, London, England, tel: +44 171 4 8 7 4250; fax: +44 71 4 8 7 4229. iMorintex 95 - International Conference and Exhibition on Marine Intel- |lectual Technologies: September 12- 16, St. Peterburg, Russia.

I Contact: Morintex 95 Organizing Com- 1 mittee, Lotzmanskaya str. 3, St. Petersburg, Russia, 198008, tel: 812-113- 71-36, fax: 812-113-81-09.

NEVA 95 - The International Shipping Exhibition with Russia and the Republics: September 12-16, St. Petersburg, Russia.

Contact: Roderick Keay, Dolphin Exhibitions Ltd., 112 High Street, Bildeston, Suffolk IP7 7EB, England, tel: +44 449 741801; fax: +44 4 4 9 741628.

Riverboat Gaming Congress & Expo: September 13-15, St. Louis, Mo. Contact: World Gaming Congress & Expo, Seven Penn Plaza, N.Y., N.Y. 10001 -3900, tel: (212) 594-4120; fax: (212)714-0514.

Third Thematic Conference on Remote Sensing for Marine and Coastal Environments: September 18-20, Westin Hotel, Seattle, Wash. Contact: ERIM/Marine Environmental Conference, P.O. Box 134001, Ann Arbor, Mich. 48113-4001, tel: (313) 994-1200, ext. 3234, fax: (313) 994- 5123.

American Petroleum Institute (API) Electronic Data Interchange Conference & User Group Meeting: September 25- 27, New Orleans Hilton, New Orleans, La.

Contact: API, 1220 L. Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20005, tel: (202) 662-8000; fax: (202) 682-8223.

National Waterway's Conference (NWC) Annual Meeting: September 27-29, Adam'sMark Hotel, Tulsa, Okla. Contact: NWC, 1130 17th St., Wash., D.C. 2003-4676, tel: (202) 296-4415; fax: (202) 835-3861.

OCTOBER NASPL: October 1 -3, Minneapolis Convention Center, Minneapolis, Minn.

Contact: World Gaming Congress & Expo, Seven Penn Plaza, N.Y., N.Y. 10001 -3900, tel: (212) 594-4120; fax: (212)714-0514.

SNAME Annual Meeting and International Maritime Exposition: October 4- 7, Washington Hilton, Washington, D.C. Contact: Society of Naval Arcitects and Marine Engineers (SNAME), 601 Pavonia Ave., Jersey City, N.J. 07306, fax: (201)798-4975.

Oceans '95 MTS/IEEE Conference and Exhibition: October 9-12, San Diego, Calif.

Contact: Deam Given or Bill Hulburd, 9825 Bonnie Vista Dr., La Mesa, Calif. 91941 -6828, tel: (619) 695-1197; or contact the MTS at tel: (202) 775-5966; or the IEEE at tel: (206) 525-2578.

World Gaming Congress & Expo: October 17-19, Las Vegas Convention Center, Las Vegas, Nev.

Contact: World Gaming Congress & Expo, Seven Penn Plaza, N.Y., N.Y. 10001 -3900, tel: (212) 594-4120; fax: (212)714-0514.

SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition: October 22-25, Dallas, Texas.

Contact: SPE, Office, 4 Mandeville PL, W 1 M 5LA, London, England, tel: +44 71 4 8 7 4250; fax: +44 71 4 8 7 4229. Fleet Maintenance Symposium 95 - Fleet Maintenance in me Joint Environment: October 23-25, Virginia Beach, Va.

Contact: Bill Conley, American Society of Naval Engineers, 1452 Duke St., Alexandria,Va. 22314-3458, tel: (804) 857-4922; fax: (804) 857-4934.

American Petroleum Institute (API) Re fining Autumn Meeting: October 23 25, Walt Disney World Dolphin Hotel Orlando, Fla.

Contact: API, 1220 L. Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20005, tel: (202) 662-8000; fax: (202) 682-8223.

Newbuild 2000 And The Role Of The Naval Architect: October 24-25, London, U.K.

Contact: Amanda Wilkes-Brough, Royal Institution of Naval Architects, 10 Upper Belgrave St., London, U.K. SW1X 8BQ, tel: + 4 4 171 235 4622, fax: +44 171 245 6959.

Expoship Riomar '95: October 24-27, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Contact: Paulo Correa, FCI, Av. das Americas, 1.155 —Sala 1.50722631 - 000, Rio de Janiero, Brazil, tel: 55 21 439 9097; fax: 55 21 493 8203, or in the U.K., contact Bob Hill, Seatrade House, 42-48 N. Station Rd., Colchester COl 1RB, tel: +44 206 45121; fax: +44 206 45190.

Pacific Structural Steel Conference (PSSC) 1995: October 25-27, The Mandarin Hotel, Singapore.

Contact: John S.Y. Tan, PSSC 1995, Fourth Pacific Structural Steel Conference, 150 Orchard Road, #07-14, Orchard Plaza, Singapore 0923, tel: +65 7332922; fax: +65 2353530.

Clean Gulf '95: The Fifth Annual Conference and Exhibition on Oil Spill Prevention, Response, and Technology in the Gulf Coast Region: October 1 -November 1.

Contact: Sean Guerre, sales manager, Penn Well Conferences & Exhibitions, 3050 Post Oak Blvd., Suite 205, Houston, Texas 77056-6524, tel: (713) 963- 6218; fax: (713) 963-6284.

NOVEMBER Small Craft Symposium: November 9- 10, Great Lakes/Great Rivers Section, Ann Arbor, Mich.

Contact: SNAME, 601 Pavonia Ave. Jersey City, N.J. 07306, tel: (201) 798 4800, fax: (201) 798-4975.

American Petroleum Institute (API Annual Meeting: November 12-12 Hyatt Regency, Houston, Texas. Contact: API, 1220 L. Street, N .W Washington, D.C. 20005, tel: (20: 662-8000; fax: (202) 682-8223. International Oil and Gas Exhibitio November 13-16, Beijing, People's R public of China.

Contact: SPE, Office, 4 Mandeville Pi., W 1 M 5LA, London, England, tel: +44 71 4 8 7 4250; fax: +44 71 4 8 7 4229. International Meeting on Petroleum Engineering: November 14-17, Beijing, P.R. of China.

Contact: SPE, Office, 4 Mandeville PL, W 1 M 5LA, London, England, tel: +44 71 4 8 7 4250; fax: +44 71 4 8 7 4229. Euro Port 95: November 14-18, Amsterdam RAI Congress Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Contact: Euro Port 95, Amsterdam RAI, P.O. Box 7 7 7 7 7 , 1 0 7 0 MS Amsterdam, The Netherlands, tel: +31 205491212; fax: +31 20 6464469.

Pacific Fishing 95: November 16-18, Seattle, Wash., Pier 48 Contact: Bruce Buls, tel: (206) 789- 5333; fax: (206) 784-5545.

Viet Portex 95: November 21-24, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.

Contact: Viet Portex 95 Project Management, Hamburg Messe und Congress GmbH, JungiusstraBe 13 D- 20355, Hamburg, Germany, tel: +49 4 0 / 3 5 6 9 - 2 1 9 0 / 9 2 ; fax: + 4 9 4 0 / 35 69-21 87.

Maritime Technology Exhibition Conference 1995: November 22-24, Royal Exhibition Building, Melbourne, Australia. Contact: Bill Hare, Australian Exhibition Services Pty Ltd., Illoura Plaza, St. Kilda Rd., Melbourne, VIC 3004 Australia, tel: (03) 867-4500.

High Speed Vessels For Transport and Defense: November 23-24, London, U.K.

Contact: Amanda Wilkes-Brough, Royal Institution of Naval Architects, 10 Upper BelgraveSt., London, U.K. SW1X 8BQ, tel: +44 171 235 4622; fax: +44 171 245 6959.

Marichem '95: The Industry Meeting For Bulk Chemicals: November 28-30, Cologne, Germany.

Contact: Marichem Secretariat, Glen House, 2 0 0 / 2 0 8 Tottenham, London W1 P9LA,U.K.,tel:+44171 4369774; fax: +44 171 436 5694.

DECEMBER American Waterways Operators [AWO) Winter Convention & Board of directors Meeting: December 7-8, Washington, D.C.

Zontact: AWO, fax: (703) 841-0389. MARCH 1996 ea Japan '96: March 5-9, 1996, une, 1995 Pacifico, Yokohama. Contact: Anthony Nash, Seatrade House, 4 2 North Station Rd., Colchester COl 1RB, U.K., tel: +44 1206 45121, fax: + 4 4 1 20645190,orcontact:Christopher Eve, Shuwa Kioicho TVR Bldg., 9th floor, 5 - 7 Koji-machi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokoyo 102, Japan, tel: +81 3 3222 6901; fax: +81 3 3222 4320.

SingaPort '96 International Maritime Exhibition & Conference: March 26- 29, 1996, World Trade Center, Singapore. Contact: SingaPort '96, Times Conferences & Exhibitions Pte. Ltd., Times Center, One New Industrial Road, Singapore 1953, tel: +65 284 8844; fax: + 6 5 286 5754.

MAY 1996 Offshore Technology Conference and Exhibition: May 6 - 9 , 1 9 9 6 , Astrodome, Houston, Texas. Contact: Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers (SNAME), 601 Pavonia Ave., Jersey City, N.J. 07306, fax: (201) 798-4975.

JUNE 1996 ASME Turbo Expo '96: June 10-13, Birmingham, U.K.

Contact: Marina Stenos, Public Information, The American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 345 East 47th St., New York, NY 10017, tel: 212- 705-7738.

Seventh International Conference on Marine Engineering Systems: June 13-14, Trondheim, Norway.

Contact: Kathleen Ford, conference organizer, The Institute of Marine Engineers, 76 Mark Lane, London EC3R 7JN, tel: +44 171 481 8493; fax: +44 171 488 1854.

SEPTEMBER 1996 Mediterranean Cruise and Ferry Convention: September 17-20, Port of Genoa.

Contact: Michael Kazakoff, Princeton Forrestal Village, 125 Village Boulevard, Suite 220, Princeton, NJ. 08540-5703, USA, tel: (609) 452-9414; fax: (609) 452-9374, or contact Tony Nash, 42 North Station Rd, Colchester, COl 1RB, U.K., tel: + 4 4 1206 45121; fax: +44 1206 45190.

ITS '96 (The International Towage and Salvage Convention and Exhibition): September/October, Seattle, Wash.

Contact: Thomas Reed Publications, 19 Bridge Rd., Hampton Court, East Molesey, Surrey DT8 9EU, U.K., tel:+44 0181 941 7878; fax: +44 0181 941 8787. OCTOBER 1996 Ship Machinery & Marine Technology Exposition (SMM) '96: October 1 - 5 , 1 9 9 6 , Hamburg, Germany; fax: +49 4 0 35 6 9 2149.

Expo Shipping '96 Incorporating Air Transportation: October 16-19, Putra World Trade Center, Kuala Lumpur.

Contact: Richard Lim, managing director, Global Expositions, Rm. 57138, Xi Yuan Hotel, Beijing 100046, People's Republicof China, tel: 01 -8334723; fax:01-8342310.

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