Marine Link
Friday, March 21, 2025


AUGUST Offshore Northern Seas (ONS) '94: August 23-26, Stavanger, Norway Contact: ONS, P.O. Box 410, N- 4001 Stavanger, Norway, tel: +47 51 55 81 00; fax: +47 51 55 10 15. SEPTEMBER Baltexpo '94: September 6-9, Gdansk, Poland Contact: Agpol Promotion Ltd., ul. Sniadeckich 17, 00-654 Warsaw, Poland, tel: +628 72 95.

4th International Conference on High Speed Marine Craft: September 7-9, Hotel Caledonien, Kristiansand, Norway Contact: Lise Olaussen, Norwegian Society of Chartered Engineers, P.O. Box 2512 Solli, N-0201 Oslo, Norway, tel: +47 22 94 75 00, fax: +47 22 94 75 02.

AWO Fall Convention: September 8-9, Fairmont Hotel, San Francisco, Calif.

Contact: The American Waterways Operators, 1600 Wilson Boulevard, Arlington, Va. 22209, tel: (703) 841- 9300; fax: (703) 841-0389.

International Survival and Safety At Sea Exposition & Symposium: September 8-10, Renaissance Center's Westin Hotel, 403 Midland St., Detroit, Mich. 48243. Contact: Irwin I. Chaitin, managing director, International Survival and Safety at Sea Exposition and Symposium, tel: (313) 865-1000; fax: (313) 865-7030.

SAE International Off-High way and Powerplant Congress and Exposition: September 12-14, MECCA, Milwaukee, Wis.

Contact: SAE Communications and Meeting Promotion Division, tel: (412) 772-7131; fax: (412) 776-1830. International Ship and Offshore Structures Congress (ISSC), 1994: September 12-16, St. Johns, Newfoundland, Canada Contact: Institute of Marine Dynamics, P.O. Box 12093, Station A, St. Johns, Newfoundland A1B 3T5, Canada; tel: (709) 772-2469; fax: (709) 772-2462.

Conference on Computer Aided Design, Manufacture and Operation (CADMO) in the Marine and Offshore Industries: September 13-15, Novotel, Southampton, England. Contact: Sue Owen, Wessex Institute of Technology, Ashurst Lodge, Ashurst, Southampton S04 2AA, U.K., tel: +44 703 293 223; fax: +44 703 292 853.

Oceans '94 - OSATES '94 (Ocean Space Advanced Technology European Show) - "Oceans' Engineering for Today's Technol- ogy and Tomorrow's Preservation": September 13-16, Pare de Penfeld, Brent, France Contact: Oceans '94, Computer Science Dept., Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas 77843, fax: (409) 847-9284.

6th Annual National Maritime Heritage Conference: September 14-17, Charlestown Navy Yard, Boston, Mass. Contact: Patricia I.

Conn, National Maritime Alliance (NMA), tel: (207) 443-4550 Propellers/Shafting '94 Symposium: September 20-21, Cavalier Hotel, Virginia Beach, Va. Contact: J.E. Ancarrow, Jr., tel: (804) 688- 1070.

World Gaming Congress & Expo: September 26-28, Las Vegas Convention Center, Las Vegas, Nev.

Contact: World Gaming Congress & Expo, Gaming & Wagering Business, Seven Penn Plaza, New York, N.Y. 10001-3900, tel: (212) 594-4120 or (800) 223-9638; fax: (212) 714- 0514.

Shipbuilding Machinery & Marine (SMM) Technology Exhibition & Conference: Sept. 27-Oct. 1, Hamburg, Germany Contact: tel: +49 40 3569 2146; fax: +49 40 35 69 2149. OCTOBER American Association of Port Authorities (AAPA) 83rd Annual Convention: October 3-7, Wyndham Franklin Plaza Hotel, Philadelphia, Penn.

Contact: AAPA, 1010 Duke St., Alexandria, Va. 22314, tel: (703) 684-5700; fax: (703) 684- 6321.

3rd International Conference on Safety in the Port Environment: "The Impact of Port Services on Safety and the Environment:" October 10-12, Bremen, Germany Contact: Nargis Rashid, Ports of Bremen/ Bremerhaven, U.S./Canada Representation, Carl F. Ewig, Inc., 910 Oak Tree Road, S. Plainfield, NJ 07080, tel: (908) 756-3944; fax: (908) 756-2575.

Propeller Club of the U.S. 68th Annual Convention And 1994 Conference: October 10-14, Royal Sonesta Hotel, New Orleans, La.

Contact: The Propeller Club of the U.S., 3927 Old Lee Highway, #101A, Fairfax, Va. 22030 NACE Conference and Exhibition - Partnering for Corrosion Control: October 12-14, Orlando, Fla.

Contact: Louis MacDowell, Conference Chairman, NASA, Mail Code DM-MSL-22, Kennedy Space Center, Fla. 32899, tel: (407) 867-3400. For exhibitor information, contact: Kyle Greenfield, P.O. Box 126, Cocoa, Fla. 32923, tel: (407) 631-2659.

Fish Expo '94: October 13-15, World Trade Center, Boston, Mass.

Contact: Diversified Expositions, 5 Milk Street, Portland, Me. 04112, tel: (207) 772- 3005; fax: (207) 772-5059.

CINAVAL (Congress of Naval and Marine Engineering and Oceanic Sciences)/ SYMMREPAIR (Symposium on Maintenance and Repair)/EXPONAVAL (Shipping and Offshore Exhibition): October 17-20, Veracruz, Mexico Combined CINAVAL/SYMMREPAIR/ EXPONAVAL conference and exhibition Contact: Ing. Fernando Olavarrieta, tel: +52 29 34 9962 34 6561; fax: +52 29 34 5910 34 5089.

International Tug, Towage & Salvage Convention & Exhibition (ITS '94): October 17-21, Grand Harbour Hotel, Southampton, U.K.

Contact: Allan Brunton-Reed, managing director, The ABR Company Limited, Dunelm, Church Road, Claygate, Esher, Surrey KTIOOJP, U.K., tel: +44 372 468 387; fax: +44 372 468 388.

Pacific Fishing Expo: October 20-22, Pier 48, Port of Seattle, Wash.

Contact: Bruce Buls, Pacific Fishing Expo, 1515Northwest51st St., Seattle, Wash. 98107, tel: (206) 789-5333; fax: (206) 784-5545. Techno-Ocean '94 Exhibition & Conference on the Exploration, Development & Management of Oceans and Coastal Zones: October 26-29, Kobe International Exhibition Hall, Port Island, Kobe, Japan Contact: Secretariat, Techno-Ocean '94, c/o International Communications Specialists, Inc., fax: +813 3273 2445, attn: Ms.Kokubo, Mr. Kito or Ms. Miyashi.

Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) Annual Meeting: October 30-November 3, Colorado Convention Center, Denver, Col.

Contact: Rod Parrish, SETAC, tel: (904) 469-1500.

NOVEMBER "Fundamentals of Corrosion and its Control" Course: November 1-3 Contact: Sherree Darden, LaQue Center for Corrosion Technology, P.O. Box 656, Wrightsville, Beach, N.C. 28480, tel: (910) 256-2271; fax: (910) 256-9816.

The International WorkBoat Show: November 3-5, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center, New Orleans, La.

Contact: Diversified Expositions, 5 Milk Street, Portland, Me. 04112, tel: (207) 772-3005; fax: (207) 772-5059.

SPE Asia Pacific Oil & Gas Conference (APOG): November 7-10, Grand Hyatt, Melbourne, Australia Contact: Fred Herbst, Public Relations Manager, Society of Petroleum Engineers, P.O.

Box 833836, Richardson, Texas 75083-3836, tel: (214) 952-9393.

Ship Repair & Conversion '94: November 8-9, Olympia 2, London Contact: John Gwynn-Jones or Jon Chaplin, tel: +44 923 776363; fax: +44 923 777206.

Dredging '94 - The Second International Conference On Dredging And Dredged Material Placement: November 13-16, Buena Vista Palace at the Walt Disney World Village, Lake Buena Vista, Fla.

Contact: Russell K. Tillman, Dredging '94 Management Chair, Attn. :CEWES-EP-L, 3909 Halls Ferry Road, Vicksburg, Miss. 39180- 6199, tel: (601) 634-4201; fax: (601) 634-3528. SNAME 1994 Annual Meeting and International Maritime Exposition: November 16-19, New Orleans, La.

Contact: Tel: (201) 798-4800. The Society of Boat and Yacht Designers Symposium: November 19, The Seattle International Trade Center, Seattle, Wash.

Contact: The Society of Boat and Yacht Designers, 117 East Louisa Street No. 268, Seattle, Wash. 98102-3203, fax: (206) 882-7327. Ausmarine '94: November 22-24, Fremantle, Western Australia International Maritime Industry Exhibition Contact: 4A Carmelite Street, London, EC4Y OBN, England, tel: +44 71 353 1085; fax: +44 71 353 1084 or 10 Oxford St., South Yarra, 3141, Australia, tel: +613 826 8741; fax: +613 827 0704.

DECEMBER AWO Winter Convention: December 6-7, Madison Hotel, Washington, D.C.

Contact: The American Waterways Operators, 1600 Wilson Boulevard, Arlington, Va. 22209, tel: (703) 841-9300; fax: (703) 841-0389. China Portex '94:4th International Trade Exhibition for Port and Waterway Construction, Shipbuilding Industry, Marine and Offshore Technology: December 6-10, Shanghai, People's Republic of China Contact: Martin Greve or Wolfram Diener, Hamburg Messe und Congress GmbH, tel: +49 40 3569 2140 or +49 40 3569 2190.

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