Marine Link
Wednesday, July 17, 2024

MarAd Sponsors Study On North American Shipping

The U.S. Department of Transportation, Maritime Administration (MarAd), has commissioned a threephased research program with Louisiana State University's National ports & Waterways Institute (which is one of MarAd's four National Maritime Enhancement Institutes) to investigate the feasibility of river/ ocean, short-sea and conventional vessel operations serving the East Coast of Mexico, the U.S. and Canada through the Maritime Systems of Americas (i.e. Gulf of Mexico, and inland river waterway system of mid-America).

The research is designed to expand the understanding of future trade and maritime transportation in the Western Hemisphere. It is intended to develop a wide range of technical information on vessel systems that could be utilized to increase waterborne commerce between the east coast of Mexico, the mid-U.S. and Canada.

The study team wants to receive specific shipper "case histories" to document commodity, origin/destination, and trade history details within the study region. There is an opportunity for selected shippers to receive a free comparative transportation analysis provided to those companies whose case histories are chosen.

For more information, contact R. McLaughlin at the National Ports and Waterways Institute at tel: (703) 276-7102.

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