Marine Link
Wednesday, July 17, 2024

ShipNet: Information Solutions For Shore And Ship

ShipNet is the main supplier of information technology solutions to more t h an 200 companies in the shipping business. The company's many software/information products include: —ShipNet Accounting System (SNACS), which offers accounting and budgeting systems tailor-made for the shipping industry, with solutions consisting of integrated but separate modules.

SnipNet Integrated Calculation System (SNICS), designed to aid decision making. Ihe calculation options are used for optimizing operations with regard to cargo intake, speed, consumption, performance, claims and earnings.

ShipNet Operation and Position System (SNOPS) takes the user's precalculations through the follow-up process and into postcalculation. The system comprises everything from entries of port log, steam log, port and berth register, and preliminary and adjusted calculations, resulting in final calculation and account figures.

-ShipNet Integrated Brokering System (SNIBS) reportedly provides all the necessary tools to manage positions, orders, fixtures, contacts and communications in one integrated environment. Ship databases, yards, commitments, inquiries and commercial information are provided to match a company's woy of working.

—ShipNet Electronic Data Interchange (SNEDI) is an electronic remittance and communications solution, based on the EDI standard.

For more information on ShipNet Circle 55 on Reader Service Card

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