Marine Link
Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Polaris Navigation System Installed Aboard Seismic Survey Vessel

A SeisNet integrated navigation system has been installed aboard seismic survey vessel Mezen, operated by Continental Geophysical, Calgary. Supplied and installed by U.K. company Polaris International Ltd., the SeisNet system will improve positioning control for 2-D data acquisition and will be developed for multi-streamer 3-D operations. The vessel's first use of SeisNet will be on a 10,000-km project in the Middle East, where the system will provide positioning for 2-D operations, including streamer tracking and navigation processing.

Data is monitored and displayed in real time in the instrument room, with additional status and monitoring displays in the client's office and on the bridge. Further displays can be added as needed, and the navigation processing and chart plotting takes place in a dedicated processing room. Mezen is used for surveys in remote and inhospitable areas, including off the Falkland Islands, making the multi-processor approach used by SeisNet, with operational redundancy and easily maintainable components, ideal for operations of this type.

For more information on SeisNet Circle 6 5 on Reader Service Card

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