Marine Link
Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Atlantic Marine Completes Conversion

Atlantic Marine, Inc. has announced the successful conversion of Sargeant Marine's 668 ft. x 84-ft. (203.6 m x 25.6-m) oil tanker Asphalt Commander (formerly known as Falcon Champion), to an asphalt carrier. Sargeant Marine, Inc., located in Coral Springs, Fla., reportedly manages 56 percent of all marine asphalt tanker capacity.

The U.S. flag vessel underwent installation of a new thermal oil heating system, and structural enclosures for heaters, heating coils, distribution pumps and piping. The main cargo pumps were replaced with positive displacement pumps, and navigation and communications upgrades were performed, as well as routine drydocking repairs and services. Atlantic Marine, Inc. is a whollyowned subsidiary of Atlantic Holding Co. of Jacksonville, Fla.

For more information on Atlantic Marine, Inc. Circle 80 on Reader Service Card