Marine Link
Tuesday, July 16, 2024

OSI: ECDIS Pioneer Predicts Retrofit Market To Provide Big Business

Offshore Systems International avoidance, is a leader in Electronic Chard Regarding market potential, Display and Information Systems OSI's Helmut Lanziner points out (ECDIS) technology, providing the that the product is well suited for marine industry with leading edge the retrofit market. "We see the technology which meets the needs retrofit market as much larger of the mariner. Specifically, ECDIS than the newbuild. The system is has emerged as a new aid to mar- developed to work with virtualy itime navigation with significant any type of radar system." Mr. benefits in terms of piloting and Lanziner has also noticed that the safety. It is expected that the IMO shipping community has become will this month adopt ECDIS as a more receptive to new technologies, worldwide standard for electronic as owners and operators realize the ship navigation. bottom line potential. He said that Since 1980, the company has as the equipment becomes more developed three generations of widely accepted, and as authorities integrated navigation systems, allow ships equipped with ECDIS with Electronic Chart Precise to operate in reduced visibility con- Integrated Navigation System ditions, the "time is money" factor (ECPINS) being the latest, and will help over rule most qualms most successful. ECPINS is a real- about new technology time geographic information sys- OSI recently announced orders tem capable of integrating radio for ECPINS systems from August navigation (e.g. GPS, DGPS, through September, 1995, totalled Loran), depth sounder, gyrocom- 22, from a variety of clients, includpass, radar and electronic chart ing the company's largest sale ever, into one display. As a navigation 10 ECPINS systems to American system, ECPINS also displays such Steamship Co. of New York, information as cross-track dis- Canada Steamship Lines of tance, course-made-good, speed- Montreal was the first company in over-round and time-to-go. The the world to install ECDIS on its real power of the new systems lie in entire fleet. Another prestigious its capability to integrate all navi- contract was to supply four gation sensors necessary for all ECPINS to Marinette Marine Corp. aspects of safe piloting and maneu- for supply on the Juniper and vering. When ECDIS and Keeper Class U.S. Coast Guard radar/ARPA are integrated onto a ships. The first of the Juniper class single display, they provide a dual was launched in June, function system that can be used For more information on OSI both for navigation and collision Circle 199 on Reader Service Card