Marine Link
Saturday, March 15, 2025

Moen Slip Delivers Voith Tractor Tug To Roda Bolaget

Gothenburg-based Roda Bolaget AB has just taken delivery of a new water tractor tug. This vessel, the 4 9 6 - g t Boss, is the company's first Voith Schneider-propelled water tractor and is prim a r i l y intended for ship handling and escort duties on Sweden's west coast. It will also be usea for a range of support duties, including firefighting a n d oil recovery at Sweden's largest oil terminals. The Boss was constructed at M o e n Slip AS, Kolvereid, Norway, and is a sister to the Bess, of Buker o g Bjergning, the N o r w e g i an towing partner of Roda Bolaget within the Neptune (Platou) M a r i n e Group.

Classed by Det Norske Veritas and with a length of 119 ft. ( 3 6 . 3 m), a maximum beam of 4 0 . 4 ft. ( 1 2 . 3 m) a n d a maximum draft of 17 ft. (5.2 m), the multipurpose capability of the Boss makes it a valuable a d d i t i o n to the Roda Bolaget fleet. The two Voith Schneider units — model 3 2 G 11/200 — are powered by a p a i r of Ulstein Bergen KRMB9 diesel engines, each rated at 2 , 7 3 0 bhp, g i v i n g the Boss a b o l l a r d pull of 5 7 tons a nd a free running speed of about 15 knots. Use of the Voith Schneider design of cycloidal propeller reportedly gives superb handling and thrust, which can be immediately directed at any angle throughout the full 3 6 0 degrees.

A comprehensive a r r a y of dec< equipment has been fitted for the vessel, including a forward-mounted 100-ton Karmoy towing winch and 65-ton towing hook, 8-ton winches f o r w a r d a n d aft of the superstructure, a 22-ton-meter crane, and a 65-hp Viking man-overboard boat.

The navigation a n d communications outfit is also extensive. An Atlas 9 6 0 0 ARPA a n d JFS 3 6 4 radar are fitted together w i t h a JRC V - 7 2 0 echosounder, Decca M k 5 AP navigator, Adveto data navigation system — which includes a 12-channel differential GPS receiver, a Robertson AP 9 Mk 11 autopilot and RGC 11 gyro, a n d a JRC JLN 2 0 3 speed log.

Communications systems include a Sailor RT 2 0 4 7 Duplex and RT 2 0 4 8 VHF sets, a Skanti TRP 3 0 0 0 VHF set, a TRP 7 2 0 1 watch receiver, a WR 6 0 0 0 watchkeeping receiver, a n d 7 2 0 0 HF/MF set, a n d DSC 3 0 0 0 VHF a n d 9 0 0 0 HF/MF sets.

For m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n on V o i t h Schneider Circle 1 2 7 o n Reader S e r v i c e C a rd

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