Blocked Entrance to Santos Port to Open Overnight
Trucks will be able to access a blocked entrance at Santos, Brazil's largest port, at night while firefighters finish extinguishing a blaze at a nearby fuel-storage facility…
Azeri Light Oil Exports Set to Rise in May
Azeri light oil exports via the Turkish port of Ceyhan are set to rise to 735,000 barrels per day (bpd) in May, compared with 703,000 bpd in April, according to…
Uruguay Eyes Extending Oil Exploration Contracts
Uruguay is considering extending the length of its oil exploration contracts with foreign companies drilling in its waters in order to shore up investment at a time of plunging crude prices…
Baltic Sea Freight Index Falls on Muted Vessel Activity
The Baltic Exchange's main sea freight index, which tracks rates for ships carrying dry bulk commodities, fell on Wednesday due to muted vessel activity. The index…
Russian Trawler Sunk by Greed and Corruption
Greed and corruption were to blame for the sinking of a Russian trawler last week in which at least 56 crew died, a spokesman for investigators said on Wednesday.
CMA CGM Launches Container Tracking App

The CMA CGM Group announced the launch of its first mobile application offering a follow-up solution and real time data collecting on the container’s position, the upcoming vessels departures and other services by CMA CGM. The application is available on the App Store and Google Play in five languages (English, French, Spanish, German and Chinese). Users will be able to follow loading operations, search for routes or consult vessels schedules.
Zambia is Newest IMO Member State

His Excellency Paul William Lumbi, High Commissioner of the Republic of Zambia to the United Kingdom, on Wednesday, April 8 paid a courtesy visit to the Headquarters of the International Maritime Organization (IMO), to mark Zambia’s status as the newest Member State of IMO. The Republic of Zambia became the latest Member of IMO, following the deposit, of an instrument of acceptance of the Convention on the International Maritime Organization with the Secretary-General of the United Nations.
Riverboat to be Christened in New Orleans
American Cruise Lines announced the christening of its second Mississippi River paddlewheeler, the American Eagle, on April 25, 2015 in New Orleans. Mayor Mitch…
Total CEO to Visit Yamal LNG Project

Total's chief executive will travel this week to northwest Siberia to visit Russia's showcase $27 billion Yamal gas project in which the French oil major owns a 20 percent stake, a Total spokeswoman said. It is Patrick Pouyanné's first visit to the facilities - slated to supply 16.5 million tonnes per year of liquefied natural gas early next decade - a sign Total still regards Russia as an important source of future production growth.
North Korea Warns Will Act to Get Back Ship Held by Mexico
North Korea accused Mexico on Wednesday of illegally detaining one of its ships with some 50 crew and warned it would take "necessary measures" to release the vessel…
ECDIS for 28 More Vessels in Caspian Fleet

PC Maritime and its Estonian trading partner Marine Technics have won a contract to supply Navmaster ECDIS to 28 Azerbaijan Caspian Shipping Company (ACSC) vessels. The order follows the operation of Navmaster ECDIS on 13 ACSC vessels over the past three years. The initial supply is for single ECDIS with 24-inch displays, with an option to extend to dual ECDIS, and Jeppesen Primar charts and updating services.
Oil Under Ice

The U.S. How did an urgent requirement to build a road to Alaska end up helping to design submarines and to recover oil spills in the Arctic ice? The Army Corps of Engineers was faced with a monumental challenge of building a highway to connect the “lower 48” to Alaska during World War II to keep America’s northernmost territory secure from invasion. The road crossed hundreds of miles of wilderness, and much of the roadbed sat up permafrost, presenting challenges to America’s roadbuilders.
Robert Allan Ltd. Named CIMarE Charter Member

Robert Allan Ltd. announced its election as the Charter Corporate Member of the Canadian Institute of Marine Engineering (CIMarE) Roll number 0001. CIMarE national council created the corporate membership class in an effort to further engage corporations, organizations, societies and professional associations in support of the activities of the organization. CIMarE was incorporated by federal charter in 1976 to promote the maritime industry and its associated professions.
The $100m Port Security Grant Scramble
About $100 million will be available to various port authorities, facility operators and state and local government agencies who have developed an Area Maritime…
Marine Salvage & Oil Spill Response Insights

Last month Maritime Reporter had the good fortune to receive insights from a trio of maritime salvage leaders – Paul Hankins, Tim Beaver & Jim Elliott – garnering insights on one of the most challenging and ever-changing sectors of the maritime market. It was recently written “salvors have become more closely tied to Oil Spill Response Organizations (OSROs).” Why? Hankins The Oil Pollution Act of 1990 (OPA90) defines how all stakeholders will respond to potential or actual oil spill responses.
Murray & Associates Hosts 4th Fishing Challenge

A group of industry professionals from the commercial maritime sector gathered in Fort Lauderdale, Fla. on March 28 to participate in Murray & Associates LLC’s 2015 Fishing Challenge. The naval architect and marine engineering group hosted the tournament for the fourth consecutive year as a way to gather clients and maritime business professionals for a day of fishing on Florida’s beautiful waters, while also collecting money for charity.
Coast Guard Foundation Supports USCG Men, Women, Families

The Coast Guard Foundation is a Connecticut-based non-profit organization – originally started by a trio of Coast Guard veterans who wanted to give back to their chosen service – which aims to provide support and comfort to the men and women in the Coast Guard, and their families. At the helm of the Coast Guard Foundation is Anne Brengle, a New York City native with a passion for non-profits and all matters maritime.
US Tank Barge Regs Loom, Laborde Presses Mitsubishi’s 'Mechanical Advantage'

Owners of tank barges eye November 15, 2015 with trepidation, as by then they must ensure that tank barge power units meet USCG Class 1, Division 1 requirements for non-sparking machinery in a hazardous environment. Laborde Products – with the “mechanical advantage of the Mitsubishi” – claims to have the solution. Covington, La.-based Laborde Products is not your standard diesel engine distributor.
Liberian Registry Opens Istanbul Office

The Liberian Registry has established a regional office in Istanbul, Turkey, as part of the continued expansion of its global presence in major centers of international shipping and trade. Erhan Esinduy has been appointed Regional Representative of the office and will be joining the Registry’s dedicated Special Agent Tevfik Çelepöven. Having gained practical seagoing and shore-based experience during a ten-year career with P&O Containers / P&O Nedlloyd…
USCG Makes Headway in Challenging Waters

Day after day, the U.S. Coast Guard continues to conduct its 11 statutory missions with its limited resources. It is challenged to Invest in long-term operational capacity while continuing to carry out its daily missions. “We’re a small service, but as always, we do punch above our weight class,” said Coast Guard Commandant Adm. Paul Zukunft during the 2015 Surface Navy Association symposium in Arlington, Virginia.