Resolve Marine Group Refloats Drydock in Guam

Resolve Marine Group has successfully raised and refloated the “Machinist” drydock at Guam Shipyard in Apra Harbor, Guam. The 825-ft drydock sank on January 2, 2011 during a rough weather event. Resolve began the salvage job on January 31 and successfully refloated the drydock on March 3. Resolve’s Salvage Master, Salvage Engineer, and salvage divers first conducted a comprehensive casualty assessment…
BOEMRE, USCG to Conduct Seventh Session of Investigation into Deepwater Horizon
The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation and Enforcement (BOEMRE)/U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) Joint Investigation Team, which is examining the Deepwater Horizon explosion and resulting oil spill…
One-of-a-Kind Navy Ship in U.S./Republic of Korea Exercise

In 2009, the Military Sealift Command offshore petroleum distribution system ship MV Vice Adm. K.R. Wheeler (foreground) and Military Sealift Command tanker USNS Lawrence H. Gianella (background) practice running a float hose between the two ships during a one-day exercise off the coast of Yeosu, South Korea. (U.S. Navy photo by Edward Baxter, taken off Yeosu, South Korea on Aug. Military Sealift Command offshore petroleum distribution system ship MV Vice Adm. K.R.
Rhothetha Shows SAR, Tracking Solutions in Brazil
Rhothetha, with headquarters in Murnau, Germany and sales and service centers in Utah and Florida, will be exhibiting at LAAD 2011 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The…
First Tier-III-Compliant, Two-Stroke Engine Unveiled in Japan

The engine, an MAN B&W 6S46MC-C8 type capable of an output of almost 7 MW, was constructed in autumn 2010 by Hitachi Zosen Corporation at its Ariake works in southern Japan. The engine is bound for a general cargo carrier, to be built at the Nakai shipyard and scheduled to enter active service later this year. The vessel was ordered by Japanese customer, BOT Lease Co. Ltd., and is operated by Nissho Shipping Co. Ltd. The first engine-start took place in January 2011.
Piracy Likely to Escalate into Small Wars Says Expert
It is likely that Somali pirates will soon raise the level of lethal violence with the result that there will be “small wars” on the open sea, according to security expert Casey Christie.
Night Navigator SOS Demonstrations
The Night Navigator SOS (Safety On Seas) provides image night and day in adverse weather conditions. high-resolution thermal imager. Active gating allows you to see through heavy rain…
This Day in U.S. Coast Guard History - March 24
1909- Muskeget, Massachusetts: the schooner Vigilant parted moorings, and stranded one mile south of the station. The owner applied to the keeper at 10:30 p.m. for assistance.
This Day in U.S. Naval History - March 24
1903 - George Dewey commissioned Admiral of the Navy with the date of rank, 2 March 1899. He was the only person to hold this rank. (Source: Navy News Service)
Eniram Supports Environmental Performance Program, Green Marine

Fort Lauderdale, US, March 24th, 2011 –Eniram, provider of advanced decision support systems for the shipping industry, has today announced that it has joined the Green Marine program as a supporting partner. Green Marine is a joint Canada-U.S voluntary program that aims to improve its participants' environmental performance beyond regulatory compliance by introducing best practices, reduction targets and new technologies.
The World’s Largest Container Vessels To Call At DCT Gdansk

CT Gdansk, Poland’s biggest container terminal will start handling the largest container vessels in the world from May 2011. Vessels of 15,500 TEU capacity will be calling at DCT Gdansk terminal within Maersk Line AE10 service connecting the Far East and the Baltic Sea. In January 2010, DCT Gdansk already revolutionized the Baltic shipping market when it started to serve the first regular deep-sea calls into the Baltic Sea.
FLAGSHIP-ISEMS Delivers Integrated Ship To Shore Incident Response

FLAGSHIP, the pan-European maritime transport project part funded by the EU, has developed an integrated, ship to shore system, for the control and monitoring of passenger safety functions on board ship utilising both fixed and mobile assets. Called FLAGSHIP-ISEMS (Integrated Safety and Emergency Management System), the system enhances the onboard ability to handle emergencies while also making full use of real-time communication between the ship and onshore facilities.
ClassNK Mr. Ueda Speech as IACS Chairman at CMA Shipping
March 23 (Tokyo) – ClassNK Chairman and President Noboru Ueda recently spoke at the CMA Shipping 2011 conference held in Stamford, Connecticut in the U.S. from 21 through 23 March 2011. Mr.
Maersk Line Celebrates 5th Anniversary of Fuel Switch

Charlotte, North Carolina (March 31, 2011) – On March 31, 2006, Maersk Line’s SINE MÆRSK changed the course of low-sulfur distillate fuel use when she called Los Angeles. Five years later, this fuel switch has resulted in a 3700 ton savings in air emissions benefitting those who live and work in California. A 4100 ton savings in air emissions has been made in North America with vessels calling California, Tacoma, Seattle, Vancouver and Houston.
USOGD Will Take Place In Baghdad

The first event series focused specifically on providing market entry and access to potential business partners is coming to Iraq. Following the success of the Iraq Oil & Gas Summit, New-fields is pleased to announce the USOGD and Catalogue Expo will be held in Baghdad, Iraq on April 23-28, 2011. This unique, hands-on delegation and expo is designed for U.S. oil and gas equipment and services exporters to provide a cost-effective way to promote their products & technologies…
UK Budget Good News For Shipping

Leading accountant and shipping adviser Moore Stephens says that, despite mixed news for non-UK-domiciled individuals, the UK Budget 2011 appears to be good news for shipping. The bad news in the Budget, announced on 23 March, is that the existing annual remittance basis charge for non-doms resident in the UK for twelve years or more will increase from ÂŁ30,000 to ÂŁ50,000, albeit not until 6 April, 2012.