Carnival Splendor Out of Service until January
Carnival Cruise Lines has cancelled voyages of the Carnival Splendor through the departure of January 9, 2011, to allow time for repairs following an engine room fire last week.
Waterways Users Board Testifies Before Senate
Matt Woodruff, a member of the Inland Waterways Users Board, the Waterways Council Board of Directors, and Director- Government Affairs for Kirby Corporation in Houston…
Hamburg Sees 8% Growth in Seaborne Cargo Handling
After a somewhat subdued upward trend for the first three months of the year, the Port of Hamburg now reflects signs of significant growth once again. The total…
GE & Partners Commission New Tugboat Fleet for Panama Canal
GE Marine, a unit of GE Transportation, and the Panama Canal Authority (ACP) announced the start of the commissioning of 13 tugboats for use in the Panama Canal.
MarineNews Insights with AWO’s National Advocacy VP

MarineNews spoke with Jennifer Carpenter, Senior Vice President of National Advocacy for the American Waterways Operators (AWO), about the organization’s strategic plan, how it is going about increasing public awareness for the industry and what you can do to help. What is AWO 21? AWO 21 is AWO’s strategic plan, approved by our Board of Directors in October 2009, which lays out our vision, mission, values, goals, and objectives.
Wilhelmsen Handles Oversized Shipment for Tecnal

The Logistics Brazil Team at Wilhelmsen Ships Service has reported that a vertical conditioner, a piece of special equipment to treat seeds in the industrial process to produce vegetable oil (canola) has been shipped from Santos, Brazil to St. Petersburg, Russia. This out-of-gauge cargo was transported overland in Brazil for 470km arriving at Santos Port where it was loaded onto a Flat Rack Container, on behalf of Brazilian food industry equipment company Tecnal.
Malinowski Joins McQuilling Services
McQuilling Services announced the addition of Carol Ann Malinowski to the advisory team. Malinowski joins McQuilling Services as Senior Advisor, Finance with over…
GMS Implements Hong Kong Convention
Global Marketing Systems (GMS) cooperates with Germanischer Lloyd (GL) on green ship recycling. GMS, one of the world's biggest cash buyers, purchases vessels from…
North P&I club Writes New Evidence Handbook

The 125 million GT ‘A’ rated North P&I club has written a new handbook on collecting and preserving factual evidence to help raise levels of responsibility and professionalism within the international shipping industry. The Nautical Institute has published The Mariner’s Role in Collecting Evidence Handbook as a companion to its guide The Mariner’s Role in Collecting Evidence in Light of ISM. The handbook was launched at a major maritime seminar in Newcastle upon Tyne on 12 November 2010.
Martek Gas Detection Contract with Canadian Navy
UK-based Martek Marine has signed a breakthrough contract with the Canadian Navy. The deal will see Martek supply 12 MM2000 marine gas detection systems, with Hydrogen Sulphide (H2S) capability…
Maine Maritime Academy Training Ship Master to Retire

Dr. William J. Brennan, president of Maine Maritime Academy (MMA), announced that Captain Laurence “Larry” Wade, master of the college’s training ship, will retire in 2011. Brennan’s announcement came at the conclusion of the college’s 5th Annual Celebration of Achievement awards dinner held on the college campus. Wade and his wife, Deanna, were both present at the event. In his announcement, Brennan…
Great Lakes Shipyard Begins Work on William Market Ferry

Great Lakes Shipyard, Cleveland, Ohio, drydocked the ferry William Market to begin maintenance and repairs for its U.S. Coast Guard five-year inspection. The work will include routine cleaning and painting, hull inspection, valve overhauls and steering system modifications. In addition to this, all of the ferry’s exterior fiberglass bench seats are being replaced with new aluminum bench seats. This is the second time this year Miller Boat Line…
This Day in U.S. Coast Guard History – November 17
1791-Secretary of Treasury Hamilton fixed value of rations at a "generous" 12 cents per day for each man in Revenue Marine. 1973-The "Largest Icebreaker in the Western World…
This Day in U.S. Naval History – November 17
1917 - USS Fanning (DD-37) and USS Nicholson (DD-52) sink first enemy submarine, U-58, off Milford Haven, Wales. 1924 - USS Langley, first aircraft carrier, reports for duty.
Farstad Orders Unique Wave-Piercing Offshore Vessel

Rolls-Royce received from Farstad Shipping the first order for its new wave-piercing offshore vessel. The bow design will reportedly enable the vessel to pierce through waves in extreme weather conditions, while maintaining constant speed, reducing fuel consumption and enhancing safety. The contract, worth in excess of &19.1 to Rolls-Royce, includes vessel design and a comprehensive integrated power and propulsion system and equipment package for an advanced platform supply vessel (PSV).