This Day in Naval History – June 4
1934 - USS Ranger, first ship designed from the keel up as a carrier, is commissioned at , 1942 - Battle of Midway (4-6 June) begins; during battle, the 4 Japanese carriers which attacked Pearl Harb
Dockwise ppoints Wit as CFO
Dockwise Ltd. announced that its subsidiary Dockwise Shipping has appointed Peter Wit as its Chief Financial Officer, effective September 1 2009. Peter Wit (1967)…
Blackley Promoted at OSG
Overseas Shipholding Group, Inc. said that Captain Ian T. Blackley has been promoted to Senior Vice President. Captain Blackley, 54, leads International shipping operations…
Cummings Introduces Maritime Education Bill
Congressman Elijah E. Cummings (D-Md.), Chairman of the House Subcommittee on Coast Guard and Maritime Transportation, introduced H.R. 2651, the Maritime Workforce Development Act…
OSD Appoints Technical Director

Offshore Ship Designers (OSD) strengthened its design teams by appointing Andrew Richards as Technical Director of OSD-IMT, its subsidiary. He was born in where he trained and worked as a naval architect before moving to the in 2007. Since then he has worked as a naval architect at OSD's Montrose office. increasing productivity through training and better organization, maintaining client relationships, ensuring the quality of OSD services and identifying future areas of expansion.
International Engine Room Simulation Conference
The International Maritime Lecturers Association (IMLA) in cooperation with The United States Merchant Marine Academy (USMMA) and The Global Maritime and Transportation…
Graham Gulf: Bigger is Better

Earlier this year C&G Boat Works Inc. launched the Gulf Princess for owner . Originally conceived as a 175 by 34-foot vessel the decision was made during construction to add a ten-foot extension bringing the vessel length to 185-feet. The original power package was retained. This included four1800-hp Cummins KTA50-M main engines turning 48-inch propellers through ZF 4650 gears with 2.5:1 reduction. A Cummins 6CTA8.3DM engine powers the Thrustmaster TH250RT retractable bow thruster.
LR Debuts Marine Fire Safety Pocket Checklist
Lloyd’s Register, in conjunction with the P&I Club, has produced the Marine Fire Safety Pocket Checklist to help reduce incidents at sea and the risk of Port State Control (PSC) detentions.
Raytheon Demonstrates New Sub Comms Tech
Raytheon demonstrated the ability to communicate in real time with a submerged submarine at classified speeds and depths. This capability, which addresses one of…
Aegean Acquires DH Barge
Aegean Marine Petroleum Network has taken delivery of the ITB Provider, a 2001-built 2,315 mt double-hull barge to be renamed PT 22, from an unrelated third party.
Omega Navigation Releases 1Q Results

Omega Navigation Enterprises, Inc. said that for the quarter ended March 31, 2009, it reported total revenues of $18.7 million and Net Income of $6.3 million, or $0.41 per basic share, excluding a loss on its interest rate derivative instruments, a gain on warrants revaluation and incentive compensation grants expense. Including these items the Company reported Net Income of $5.7 million or $0.37 per basic share. EBITDA for the first quarter of 2009 was $13.2 million.
"Monte" Class Ship Christened in Hong Kong

Monte Aconcagua, the last of a series of ten of Hamburg Süd's 5,552 TEU "Monte" class, was christened May 29, 2009 in . The container ship's sponsor was Luise Klus, daughter of Dr Ingeborg von Schubert, Chairlwoman of the Advisory Board of the Gundlach Group, . Following the naming ceremony, the "Monte Aconcagua" was phased into Hamburg Süd's - South Africa/South America East Coast Service (New Good Hope Express).