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Thursday, September 26, 2024

Tom Ridge News

06 Oct 2014

Former DHS Chief Ridge Introduces Cyber Solutions

Former U.S. Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge

First U.S. Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge Partners with Five Lloyd’s Syndicates to Offer ‘Intelligent’ Cyber Insurance. Ridge Insurance Solutions Company to close dangerous cyber insurance gap by providing informed-assessment capabilities and insurance. Companies struggling to protect their assets and brands from the growing scourge of cyber attacks can now access a new product designed specifically for their needs, created by a trusted former national security leader and the world’s premier insurance brand.

12 Sep 2014

Mariner Supports Historic Baltimore Clipper

L to R: Captain Jan C. Miles, Rick Scott, Executive Director for Pride of Baltimore, Robert Scott, SVP Business Development & Marketing for ARES Security Corp., Luke Ritter, Vice Chairman of the Board for Pride of Baltimore, Captain Jamie Trost - Presentation of iPad with CommandPost application by Mariner Group, an ARES Security Company. (PRNewsFoto/The Mariner Group)

The Mariner Group and its parent company, ARES Security Corporation, recently donated an iPad to the historic Pride of Baltimore II, a famous reconstruction of the early 19th century Baltimore clipper ship. Using the CommandPost iPad app, the ship's captains can now access CommandBridge—Mariner's award-winning situational awareness platform—aboard the vessel. This was an opportunity for the two companies to jointly outfit the Pride of Baltimore II with the nation's leading situation awareness software, which is installed at nearly 40-percent of the top U.S. ports.

18 Mar 2014

Thad Allen at the Helm

President Obama talks with Coast Guard Admiral Thad Allen, who was also the National Incident Commander for the Deepwater Horizon oil spill (center), and Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal aboard Marine One as they fly along the coastline from Venice, La., to New Orleans on May 2, 2010. White House Photo by Pete Souza

Former USCG Admiral Thad Allen is a transformational leader in the history of the service, a rock through thick and thin. Today he talks about resource allocation, risk management and homeland security. As part of Booz Allen Hamilton’s Justice and Homeland Security business group, Executive Vice President and former U.S. Coast Guard Admiral Thad Allen leads the development of thought leadership and client engagements regarding the future direction of law enforcement and homeland security. The Coast Guard is under pressure to either pare its mission mix or downscale what it does.

27 Jan 2014

Ridge-Schmidt, PwC Enter Cybersecurity Alliance

Tom Ridge

PwC US and Ridge-Schmidt Cyber LLC, a consultancy formed by Tom Ridge and Howard Schmidt, has announced a new alliance to help leaders in business and government navigate the increasing demands of cybersecurity. The strategic relationship builds upon Ridge-Schmidt Cyber’s consulting partnerships and will enable senior executives at public and private organizations to benefit from the collective experience and cyber capabilities of both firms, working together, around the world…

13 Dec 2013

Former NCIS Director Named Advisor at Ridge Global

Thomas Betro

Tom Ridge, President and CEO of Ridge Global, an international provider of security and risk management services, today announced that Thomas Betro, former Director of the Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS), and VP at NTT DATA, has joined as an advisor. Betro will work closely with Ridge Global’s Flag Bridge strategic maritime team to help guide the expansion of a global maritime criminal investigation service. “We are fortunate to have a seasoned maritime law enforcement professional like Tom Betro on our team,” said Gov. Ridge.

23 May 2013

DHS Unveils Official Portrait of Former Secretary Tom Ridge

Tom Ridge (Photo: Ridge Global)

Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano hosted the first U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Portrait Unveiling Ceremony in honor of Governor Tom Ridge—our nation’s first Secretary of Homeland Security. “Governor Ridge has devoted his career to serving his country and the American people, and created the foundation for the Department of Homeland Security just ten years ago,” said Secretary Napolitano. Ten years ago, under the leadership of Governor Ridge, DHS began operations…

06 Mar 2013

Tom Ridge, Howard Schmidt Launch Cybersecurity Firm

Tom Ridge

The Two Security Experts to Provide Strategic and Advisory Consulting to C-Suite Executives and Government Leaders. Tom Ridge, the first U.S. secretary of Homeland Security, and Howard A. Schmidt, former Cybersecurity Advisor to President Barack Obama and President George W. Bush, has announced that they are forming Ridge Schmidt Cyber LLC, a consultancy that provides strategic and advisory services that help leaders in business and government navigate the increasing demands of cybersecurity.

17 Oct 2012

The Coast Guard Foundation Hosts 19th Annual Tribute

St. Petersburg Event To Honor New Coast Guard Cutter And The Memory of William Flores. The Coast Guard Foundation, a non-profit organization committed to the education, welfare and morale of all Coast Guard members and their families, announced today its 19th Annual Tribute to the United States Coast Guard’s Seventh District will take place on Friday, November 2, 2012. At this year’s event, the Foundation has partnered with the Commissioning Committee for the U.S. Coast Guard Cutter William Flores.

13 Mar 2012

Ridge Global Names Two to Flag Bridge Team

Ridge Global, an international provider of security and risk management services, has named Vice Admiral Brian Peterman (United States Coast Guard, Retired) and Matt Branigan as the newest members of Flag Bridge, a recently launched service focused on maritime risk and sovereignty management. "Strategic maritime challenges are increasing at an alarming rate," said Tom Ridge, Ridge Global President and CEO and former secretary of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. In addition to Peterman and Branigan, Flag Bridge members include: Admiral Tom Collins, 22nd Commandant of the USCG; Vice Admiral Jim Hull; former USCG Area Commander; Rear Admiral Norm Saunders, former USCG District Commander; and Dan Sheehan, former USCG Chief Information Officer.

02 Feb 2012

Ridge Global Launches Maritime Consulting Team

former Department of Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge, president and CEO of Ridge Global.

Ridge Global Launches New Maritime Consulting Team - Flag Bridge; Top-tier Maritime Experts to Address Challenges in Global Maritime Risk and Sovereignty Management. Ridge Global, an international provider of security and risk management services, today announced the launch of Flag Bridge™, a new service focused on maritime risk and sovereignty management. The Flag Bridge team includes an elite cadre of former U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) admirals and distinguished maritime professionals…

23 Oct 2003

Secretary Ridge Announces Steps in Enhancing Maritime Security

Within one year of President Bush’s signing of the Maritime Transportation Security Act on November 25, 2002 U.S. Secretary of Homeland Security Tom Ridge today announced approval and publication of the final maritime industry security rules which are designed to significantly improve protection of America’s ports, waterways, and ships from a terrorist attack. “With 95 percent of our nation’s overseas cargo carried by ship, maritime security is critical to ensuring our Nation’s homeland and economic security,” Secretary Ridge said. The Department of Homeland Security developed the final rules with a team from the Coast Guard, Transportation Security Administration, Customs and Border Protection and the Department of Transportation’s Maritime Administration.

23 Oct 2003

AAPA: New Security Regulations Will Require Billions in Investment

Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge and the U.S. acts. security measures. Enhancing seaport security is a top priority for U.S. ports today. Homeland Security (DHS) which takes the lead on maritime security. international sea borders. cooperation and coordination and the funding to meet the law's intent. billion in the first year and $5.45 billion over ten years. heightened security. progress, sustained funds are needed. required under these new regulations. critical to our nation's defense and economic vitality. done with airports. to building a strong homeland defense. Congress to provide $400 million in grant funding in FY'05. funding. DHS from the public port industry perspective," noted Mr. Nagle. control systems as part of their port facility plans.

24 Oct 2003

Steps Aimed to Enhance Security

Within one year of President Bush’s signing of the Maritime Transportation Security Act on November 25, 2002 U.S. Secretary of Homeland Security Tom Ridge today announced approval and publication of the final maritime industry security rules which are designed to significantly improve protection of America’s ports, waterways, and ships from a terrorist attack. “With 95 percent of our nation’s overseas cargo carried by ship, maritime security is critical to ensuring our Nation’s homeland and economic security,” Secretary Ridge said. The Department of Homeland Security developed the final rules with a team from the Coast Guard, Transportation Security Administration, Customs and Border Protection and the Department of Transportation’s Maritime Administration.

12 Nov 2003

CSR Encourages Advocacy Campaign

document. the international community," said Douglas B. Center for Seafarers' Rights. Organization to develop the seafarers' identification document. addressed to Secretary Ridge. 212-349-9090.

10 Dec 2003

$179M in Port Grants Released

Secretary of Homeland Security Tom Ridge announced $179,025,900 million dollars in Port Security Grants on December 10. The Port Security Grant Program provides resources for security planning and projects to improve dockside and perimeter security. This grant program represents one layer of the Department of Homeland Security’s system of defenses for ports that includes monitoring the people, cargo and vessels entering our ports from the time they leave a foreign port to the time they arrive in the United States. Secretary Ridge. The Transportation Security Administration, the United States Coast Guard and the Department of Transportation’s Maritime Administration evaluated the Port Security Grant Applications and selected the grant award recipients.

11 Dec 2003

DHS Provide Ports with $179M in Grants

As part of the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) commitment to enhancing security at our nation's key ports and facilities, Secretary of Homeland Security Tom Ridge has announced $179,025,900 million dollars in Port Security Grants. The Port Security Grant Program provides resources for security planning and projects to improve dockside and perimeter security which is vital to securing our critical national seaports. These new awards will contribute to important security upgrades like new patrol boats in the harbor, surveillance equipment and the construction of new command and control facilities. This grant program represents one layer of the Department of Homeland Security's system of defenses for our nation's ports that includes monitoring the people…

03 Mar 2004

DHS Approves NIMS

U. S. Department of Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge announced approval of the National Incident Management System (NIMS), the Nation's first standardized management plan that creates a unified structure for Federal, state, and local lines of government for incident response. "NIMS gives all of our Nation's responders the same framework for incident management and fully puts into practice the concept of, 'One mission, one team, one fight,'" Ridge said. "I recognize the efforts of the dedicated professionals from state and local governments, law enforcement, the fire and emergency management communities, emergency medical services…

12 Mar 2004

ASA Urges USCG for Salvage Regs

The American Salvage Association (ASA) has been urging the United States Coast Guard to move forward and promulgate critically important regulations for marine salvage and firefighting, which have been suspended three times and stalled for more than 13 years. The regulations are more important now than ever before as the nation faces the threat of terrorist incidents in the marine transport sector, be they in ports, terminals or aboard ships. While government has been working to prevent terrorist incidents from occurring, an efficient, professional, specialized response capability for marine disasters is required. Professional marine salvors often serve as first responders at the time of marine incidents, working quickly to minimize damage and expedite recovery.

26 Apr 2004

DHS, EC Expand Maritime Security Ties

The European Community and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) signed an agreement that, among other things, calls for the prompt expansion of Customs and Border Protection's (CBP) Container Security Initiative throughout the European Community. The agreement was signed by Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge and Irish Finance Minister Charlie McCreevy at the Ronald Reagan Building in Washington, D.C. "This agreement sets the stage for enhanced cooperation between the United States and the European Community on CSI and other important security programs of common interest," said Secretary Ridge. The agreement will intensify and broaden Customs cooperation and mutual assistance in customs matters between the European Community and the United States.

22 Jun 2004

Ridge Addresses Port Security

New security measures are being implemented across the United States providing for safer ports in America, U.S. Department of Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge announced today. With the implementation of these international standards, in advance of the July 1st deadline, the U.S. is better able to harden the port’s physical infrastructure, verify the security of individual vessels before they approach a U.S. port, and better restrict access to the port area. Speaking from the Ports of Los Angeles/Long Beach…

07 Jul 2004

Feature: Secure Seas, Open Ports

As new international and domestic regulations regarding shipping security enter force, the focus is not simply on security, but also on maintaining a healthy flow of commerce to keep the U.S. and world economy humming. U.S. Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge recently announced the implementation of new security measures designed to build upon the layers of security that are already in place at the nation's ports. The new measures, required by the Maritime Transportation Security Act, add additional security protections to every port in the United States. Port and vessel protection continues to remain one of the Department of Homeland Security's highest priorities.

26 Jul 2004

FY 2005 Coast Guard Authorization Bill Approved

The House-Senate Conference Committee on the Fiscal Year (FY) 2005 Coast Guard Authorization Act completed negotiations and approved a conference report on July 14. The measure was fast-tracked to the House and Senate floors for consideration and won quick passage before the chambers adjourned for an extended summer recess. The final bill accomplishes two top-priority AWO objectives. First, it contains language that closes the lease financing loophole of the Jones Act. Second, it contains language to bring towing vessels under Coast Guard inspection. Both of these items are on AWO’s 2004 list of Major Issue Priorities. Their enactment by the Congress is very meaningful to the long-term health and viability of the industry.

14 Dec 2001

As Concerns About Seaport Security Mount, the U.S. Government Reacts

"Maritime Domain Awareness" is the new watchword for the maritime community. The discovery of a well equipped, suspected Al-Qa'eda member in a cargo container in Italy was one of the recent stark lessons in the vulnerability of maritime transportation security. In addition, the U.S. Coast Guard temporarily denied entry to the liquefied natural gas tanker Matthew to Boson for insufficient security and a crew member on another vessel who jumped ship in New Orleans was later found to have the telephone number of an Al-Qa'eda terrorist. Congress and the Executive branch are now turning their attention to improving seaport security in ways that could disrupt the movement of ships, freight, crews, and passengers and result in major operational changes for companies in the industry.