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Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Pollution News

26 Feb 2024

IMO’s PPR11 Agrees Guidance on Key Environmental Issues

Source: IMO

The IMO’s Sub-Committee on Pollution Prevention and Response (PPR 11) agreed new guidance on several key environmental issues.Meeting from February 19 to 23, 2024, the following guidance will now be submitted to the Marine Environment Protection Committee for approval this March (MEPC 81) and October (MEPC 82):• the safe transport of plastic pellets by sea• best practices for cutting black carbon emissions from ships operating in or near the Arctic• reducing risks of use and carriage…

25 Feb 2024

IMO Finalizes Arctic Pollution Prevention Guideline Drafts

Source: IMO

The IMO Pollution Prevention and Response Sub-Committee PPR 11 was held February 19-23, and agreement was reached on guidance for the prevention of pollution in the Arctic marine environment.The guidance will now be presented to the IMO’s Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC).Lloyd’s Register reports the following was agreed at PPR 11:• Draft guidance on best practice for goal-based control measures to reduce the impact on the Arctic of black carbon emissions from international shipping (expected to be approved at MEPC 82…

27 Sep 2023

World Maritime Day 2023 Theme Highlights Marine Environment Protection

Source: IMO

The IMO’s commitment to the preservation of the marine environment is being highlighted on World Maritime Day, September 28, 2023, with the theme "MARPOL at 50 – Our commitment goes on."This year sees the 50th anniversary of the adoption of the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL), the primary global treaty for the prevention of pollution of the marine environment by ships from intentional, operational or accidental causes.IMO Secretary-General Kitack Lim notes that achievements have already made in regulating to protect ocean health…

24 Aug 2023

Port of Los Angeles Pays Tribute to Shipping Lines That Reduced Emissions

Source: Port of Los Angeles

The Port of Los Angeles has recognized the achievements of more than two dozen shipping lines and carriers for participating in the Port’s Vessel Speed Reduction Program (VSRP), an air quality and annual incentive program for vessel operators who reduce their speed as they approach or depart the port.The voluntary program is one of many sustainability efforts currently underway at the Port to reduce emissions and decarbonize operations.Emission reductions are achieved under the…

13 Jun 2023

Call for Stricter Regulation of Scrubber Washwater

© APchanel / Adobe Stock

The combined emissions of metals and other environmentally hazardous substances from ships is putting the marine environment at risk according to a new study from Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden.The researchers calculated the contaminant load from these emissions into the marine environment in four ports, and found that water discharged from ships’ scrubbers accounts for most of the contaminants.“The results speak for themselves. Stricter regulation of discharge water from scrubbers is crucial to reduce the deterioration of the marine environment…

12 Apr 2023

First Vessel Plugs In at Terminal 5 in Seattle

Photo courtesy of the NWSA and Justin Hirsch, ILWU Local 19

The Northwest Seaport Alliance’s Terminal 5 has welcomed MSC Brunella as the first vessel to plug in to the terminal’s new shore power infrastructure.Terminal 5 is the first international container terminal in the Northwest Seaport Alliance (NWSA) gateway with shore power capability, and the nearly 9,000 TEU vessel successfully used clean energy from the City of Seattle’s electrical grid while at berth on April 10.Shore power installation is a key part of the Northwest Ports Clean Air Strategy…

11 Feb 2022

European Group Lifts Funding to $4.6B to Prevent Plastic Pollution in Seas

© Romolo Tavani/AdobeStock

A group of European development banks plan to double its funding for global efforts to stop plastic waste from polluting the world's oceans to 4 billion euros ($4.6 billion).The Clean Oceans Initiative, led by the French and German development banks and the European Investment Bank is the largest such grouping targeting plastic pollution of the sea.Around 8 million tonnes of plastic waste enters the oceans every year, most of it discarded on land or washed into rivers, the group said on Friday…

16 Sep 2021

Ocean Cleanup Struggles to Fulfill Promise to Scoop Up Plastic at Sea

Credit: Maersk Supply Service (File Photo)

Docked at a Canadian port, crew members returned from a test run of the Ocean Cleanup's system to rid the Pacific of plastic trash were thrilled by the meager results — even as marine scientists and other ocean experts doubted the effort could succeed.The non-profit, launched in 2013 amid buoyant media coverage, hopes to clear 90% of floating plastic from the world's oceans by 2040. But the group's own best-case scenario — still likely years away — envisions removing 20,000 tonnes a year from the North Pacific…

06 May 2021

Seismic Data Firm CGG Launches Pollution Monitoring Solution

Credit; CGG

French firm CGG, best known for its seismic data services for oil and gas exploration, has now launched a maritime pollution monitoring solution named SeaScope."Combining expertise in remote sensing science, Earth observation data, machine learning and high-performance computing, SeaScope provides critical sea surface slick intelligence for a range of industries to strengthen situational awareness of the interaction between offshore assets, coastal facilities, local vessel activity and the natural marine environment…

13 Apr 2021

Japan to Release Contaminated Water from Fukushima Nuclear Plant into Sea

Credit: Santi/AdobeStock

Japan will release more than 1 million tonnes of contaminated water from the destroyed Fukushima nuclear station into the sea, the government said on Tuesday, a move opposed by neighbors including China, which called it "extremely irresponsible."The first release of water will take place in about two years, giving plant operator Tokyo Electric Power time to begin filtering the water to remove harmful isotopes, build infrastructure and acquire regulatory approval.Japan has argued…

13 Jan 2021

Plastic Free Oceans: Maersk Supply Service, The Ocean Cleanup Extend Partnership

Photo credit: The Ocean Cleanup

Danish offshore support vessel operator Maersk Supply Service will continue providing marine support to The Ocean Cleanup, a nonprofit engineering and environmental organization working to rid oceans of plastic pollution.The Ocean Cleanup’s mission is to develop advanced technologies to rid the world’s oceans of plastic. To achieve this goal, the company's aim to stop the inflow via rivers and clean up what has already accumulated in the ocean. Its ultimate goal is reaching a…

21 Aug 2020

US Continues to Crack Down on Maritime Pollution Crimes Despite COVID-19

© Kirk / Adobe Stock

United States Department of Justice’s steadfast protection of U.S. waters equates to criminal charges and massive finesThe United States has a long history of holding companies and individuals accountable for violating environmental laws and regulations, including the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL). With the 40th anniversary of the passage of the Act to Prevent Pollution from Ships (APPS), which implements MARPOL, United States government agencies continue to prioritize the protection of oceans and waterways from pollution.

01 May 2020

SCIENCE: Seafloor Microplastic Hotspots Controlled by Deep-sea Currents

Simplified graphic showing how seafloor currents create microplastics hotspots in the deep-sea. Image Courtesy NOCS

New research has revealed the highest levels of microplastic yet recorded on the seafloor, with up to 1.9 million pieces in an area of just one square metre.Published this week in the journal Science, this study shows how deep-sea currents act as conveyor belts, transporting tiny plastic fragments and fibers across the seafloor. These currents can concentrate microplastics within huge sediment accumulations, which the authors of the research term ‘microplastic hotspots’. These…

11 Nov 2019

Massive Benefits in Reducing Ship Speeds

Cutting the speed of ships has huge benefits for humans, nature and the climate, according to a new report, a new report published by Seas at Risk and Transport & Environment (T&E) has highlighted.A 20% reduction would cut greenhouse gases but also curb pollutants that damage human health such as black carbon and nitrogen oxides, according to the two Brussels-based environmental NGOs."The large positive effect that reduced speeds can have on greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions is well known. What has received less attention is the positive effect such a change in speeds would have on nature and human health," said the report.The report describes how a modest 20% reduction in ship speed would reduce underwater noise pollution by 66%…

22 Oct 2019

Blue Fund to Combat Ship Pollution

A proposed “Blue Fund” to help combat illicit ship pollution in the Mediterranean is set to be studied by States and stakeholders working to protect the Mediterranean marine environment.According to a press note from  International Maritime Organization (IMO), this was agreed at a meeting of the regional network for law enforcement officials of the Mediterranean, known as Mediterranean Network of Law Enforcement Officials relating to MARPOL within the framework of the Barcelona Convention (MENELAS) - organized by REMPEC, the IMO-administered pollution emergency response center in the Mediterranean.The meeting in Valletta, Malta (15-16…

31 Jul 2019

CG Responds to Sunken Tug in WA Marina

Photo: USCG

Coast Guard pollution responders are responding to a report of a tug that sank at the Port Orchard Railway Marina in Port Townsend, Washington, Monday.Members from Coast Guard Sector Puget Sound's Incident Management Division are on scene overseeing the removal and containment of fuel discharged from the 65-foot tug Meagan M. The vessel is currently registered as a towing vessel; however the master claims it has been used in a strictly recreational capacity for the past two years.

12 Jul 2019

South Asia Fights Marine Pollution

The benefits and implications of acceding to the 1996 London Protocol on the prevention of marine pollution by dumping of wastes and other matter in the South Asian Seas Region were discussed at a regional workshop in Dhaka, Bangladesh (10-11 July).According to a note from the International Maritime Organization (IMO), the main objectives of the workshops were to inform relevant authorities of the benefits and implications of ratifying, implementing and enforcing the London Protocol.The purpose of the London Convention is to control all sources of marine pollution and prevent pollution of the sea through the regulation of dumping into the sea of waste materials.

03 Jul 2019

Implementation of IMO Instruments

The International Maritime Organization (IMO) informed that the Sub-Committee on Implementation of IMO Instruments (III) brings together flag, port and coastal States, together with observer delegations, to consider implementation issues.At its sixth session (1-5 July), the Sub-Committee is expected to finalize updates to key instruments which assist in implementation, said the UN body.The key instruments include the updated Survey Guidelines under the Harmonized System of Survey and Certification, the Non-exhaustive list of obligations under instruments relevant to the IMO instruments implementation Code (III Code), and Procedures for port State control…

19 Apr 2019

D'Amico Fined $4mln for US Pollution Violations

d’Amico Shipping Italia will pay a USD 4 million penalty and be placed on probation for four years after violating the Act to Prevent Pollution from Ships in the US.The Italian shipping company has admitted discharging oily waste and other pollutants into the sea and then lying about it, U.S. Attorney Craig Carpenito and Assistant Attorney General Jeffrey Bossert Clark announced.The company pleaded guilty before U.S. District Judge Susan D. Wigenton in Newark federal court to an information charging it with violating the Act to Prevent Pollution from Ships.Under terms of the plea agreement, d’Amico will pay a $4 million penalty and be placed on probation for four years.During probation…

22 Feb 2019

IMO On Track for 2020 Sulphur Cap

The International Maritime Organization (IMO) made substantial progress towards the Organization’s final preparations for the new global Sulphur regulation which enters into force on 1 January 2020.A release from Danish Maritime Authority (DMA) pointed out that IMO's sub-committee on Pollution Prevention and Response met in London this week to discuss a number of issues related to the marine environment.Following up on previous decisions by the IMO concerning the entry into force on 1 January 2020 of the new 0.50 per cent limit of Sulphur content in marine fuels, the Member States provisionally agreed on a number of measures for consistent…

17 Dec 2018

REMPEC Conducts Workshop on Ship-Source Air Pollution

The Regional Marine Pollution Emergency Response Centre for the Mediterranean Sea (REMPEC), the International Maritime Organization (IMO) -administered centre in the Mediterranean, conducted a regional workshop to identify and address ship-source air pollution in the Mediterranean  last week."Political, legal and technical obstacles can sometimes challenge ratification and subsequently the effective implementation of the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL) Annex VI air pollution and energy efficiency regulations," said a press release from IMO.Participants from 16 Mediterranean coastal States (including six which have not yet ratified MARPOL Annex VI)…

09 Oct 2018

Trident Alliance calls for Adoption of Non-Compliant Fuel Carriage Ban

Trident Alliance, the shipping industry initiative for robust enforcement of maritime sulphur regulations in the interest of the environment, called for adoption without delay of IMO carriage ban for fuel with sulphur content over 0.5%, as a means for the successful implementation of the 2020 sulphur cap.At MEPC 73 in October IMO Member States must formally adopt the carriage ban on non-compliant fuels for implementation in 2020, as it is a fundamental tool for securing strong global enforcement, it said.The entry into force date of the 2020 global 0.50% sulphur cap is set in stone. From the 1st of January 2020 the maximum permissible…