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Saturday, March 15, 2025

New Technology News

15 Jan 2025

DNV Class Notations for Safer Autonomous Shipping

Geir Dugstad, Technical Director, Classification at DNV Martime says “Autonomous shipping, in all its formats, is a key part of the future development of shipping” (c) DNV

DNV has launched a new family of class notations, Autonomous and Remotely Operated Ships (AROS), providing a framework for how autoremote vessels can achieve equivalent or higher safety compared to conventional vessels.Autonomous shipping, ranging from remote control operation to fully unmanned vessels, marks a major advancement in the maritime industry. These solutions can deliver a wide range of benefits including improved safety, optimised logistics chains, improved cargo capacity due to reductions in crew…

05 Aug 2024

Simulation Training Profile: Chris Hearn, Memorial University

“We are innovative by nature because we had to be. I heard a great quote one time about Newfoundland & Labrador: it has a landscape that makes you want to live up to it, but it doesn't provide you the resources to do it! We've had more than 500 years of living here, and because we're isolated, we had to grow something here in order to be able to deal with things.”
Chris Hearn, Director of the Center for Marine Simulation, Fisheries & Marine Institute, Memorial University, discussing the unique v

Memorial University in St. Johns, Newfoundland & Labrador, Canada, is a microcosm of how this unique regional cluster has parlayed its geographic locale and harsh, unique operating conditions into world leadership in the maritime, offshore energy and subsea tech spaces. An alumni, a professional mariner and now the Director of the Center for Marine Simulation, the Fisheries & Marine Institute at Memorial University, Chris Hearn has his hand on the pulse of the tectonic changes reshaping maritime and offshore energy simulation training today.

18 Jan 2023

Survitec's 'Life Ark' MES earns BV Type Approval

Survitec’s Life Ark MES has received Type Approval certification from Bureau Veritas. Image courtesy Survitec

Survitec said its new Marine Evacuation System (MES) Life Ark -- a helical slide-based MES for small to medium-sized passenger vessels -- has received full-type approval from Bureau Veritas.Life Ark is designed for vessels with a freeboard height of up to 23m and passenger capacities ranging from 300 to 1,500. Using the fully enclosed, dry-shod helical (spiral) slide design inherent to Survitec’s popular Marin Ark 2 MES and Seahaven AES, Life Ark ensures a safe, rapid and comfortable descent for people of all ages and abilities.

16 Sep 2022

Big Berty KA4815: New Desalination Pump

This pump has a huge slab of 316 stainless stee machined to provide long continuous service in marine and de-salination applications. Photo courtesy Aussie Pumps

Aussie Pumps introduced a new desalination pump, capable of both high pressure and high flows. Manufactured by Bertolini in Northern Italy, it features heavy duty AISI 316 stainless steel construction,  which makes it suitable for reverse osmosis, desalination, food industry, pharmaceutical, marine and even chemical applications. The pump can be used as a direct drive with electric motor in the 1,450rpm range (4 pole), and alternatively, can be close coupled to a gearbox, or pulley’s or driven by a gasoline or diesel engine.Called the Big Berty KA4815…

08 Jun 2022

Høglund Delivers Automation and Control System for Ethane Carrier

The vessel sailing. Photo courtesy of Pacific Gas

Høglund Marine Solutions has delivered an automation and control system for the Pacific Ineos Belstaff, reported to be the world’s largest ethane carrier.Høglund esigned an integrated automation system with ship performance monitor and a customized control system.The technology was created to support Babcock LGE’s cargo handling system (CHS) and fuel gas supply system (FGSS) for the vessel, which is owned by Pacific Gas, the Chinese very large gas carrier.“Most of the groundwork was laid in early 2021 with an early design of an overarching integrated automation and power management system…

17 Dec 2021

DNV Certifies SimFlex Cloud Simulator Platform

SimFlex Cloud also provides for navigation training using an Augmented Reality headset. Image courtesy Force Technology

DNV has certified Force Technology’s SimFlex Cloud navigation simulator platform according to DNV’s ST-0033 Maritime Simulator Systems Class D standard requirements, for the approval of simulators used for mandatory simulator-based training or as a means to demonstrate competence. DNV requires that all simulators are DNV certified when used as tools for training and examination in accordance with STCW Regulations I/12, in order to issue a DNV SeaSkill Learning Program Certificate to training providers.SimFlex Cloud is the latest development from Denmark's Force Technology.

24 Mar 2021

Ship Power: MAN Energy Solutions Unveils New LNG Dual-fuel Engine

The new dual-fuel ME-GA engine from MAN Energy Solutions comes with the company’s proven Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) technology for optimized performance, with specific gas/fuel oil consumptions reduced by ~3% and 5%, respectively.
(Photo: MAN Energy Solutions)

In a live-stream presentation from its Copenhagen Research Center, MAN Energy Solutions has demonstrated advanced dual-fuel engine technology for low-cost, fuel-efficient operation of liquefied natural gas (LNG) carriers and other vessels where low capital outlay is a priority. Tom Mulligan, science &and technology correspondent, reports.MAN Energy Solutions has demonstrated its latest low-speed, dual-fuel engine, the MAN B&W ME-GA type, an Otto-cycle variant of the company’s successful ME-GI engine, at a ceremony live-streamed from its Copenhagen Research Center.