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Friday, March 28, 2025

Maritime Value Chain News

19 Feb 2025

Green Shipping Corridors: The Hurdles Ahead

Copyright adha/AdobeStock

Under current and prospective policies from the IMO, EU, and US, the business case for green shipping corridors could improve markedly - but not sufficiently - according to a new report published by UMAS, UCL, and the Global Maritime Forum (GMF). Titled ‘Building a Business Case for Green Shipping Corridors,’ the report looks at the significant commercial challenges associated with green shipping corridors, how these could change under future regulation, and what additional support

18 Nov 2024

Hong Kong Maritime Week Summit Highlights Threats to Free Trade

Source: ICS

The International Chamber of Shipping (ICS), the Transport and Logistics Bureau of the Government of Hong Kong, the Hong Kong Shipowners Association and the Hong Kong Maritime and Port Board, convened for a trade summit on November 18.The Hong Kong Global Trade Summit drew nearly 300 delegates from 28 countries, including ministers and senior policymakers from 12 nations, the European Commission and international organisations and CEOs of companies from the maritime value chain.The Summit addressed the challenges facing maritime trade including growing political tensions

14 Nov 2024

Book and Claim Registry Launched

© Kalyakan / Adobe Stock

The Mérsk Mc-Kinney Mþller Center for Zero Carbon Shipping (MMMCZCS) and RMI (formerly Rocky Mountain Institute) are launching Katalist, a not-for-profit ‘book and claim’ registry designed to accelerate the shipping industry’s decarbonization journey.Regulations to reduce the carbon intensity of the marine industry are being introduced by both the EU and the IMO. Katalist aims to accelerate the process by connecting shipping companies adopting lower emission fuels with cargo owners

13 Nov 2024

Managing Cyber Risk Pivotal for Safe Maritime Digitalization Push, DNV Finds

© LailaBee / Adobe Stock

A new report published by DNV has revealed that the majority (61%) of maritime professionals believe the industry should accept increased cyber risk from digitalization if it enables innovation and new technologies.The sector’s appetite to take on emerging risks arising from digital transformation is notably higher than other critical infrastructure industries including energy, manufacturing and healthcare, according to DNV.The industry’s increasing appetite for cyber risk comes at a time when it must manage a growing volume of vulnerabilities.Namely

01 Aug 2024

Report Predicts Need for Over 400 Hydrogen Carriers

Source: ICS

The International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) has launched a new report identifying that heavy Industry sector are expected to dominate global hydrogen demand to 2050, with South Korea, Japan and Europe being the first markets for hydrogen.The report titled “Turning hydrogen demand into reality: Which sectors come first?” highlights that to meet just 30 million tonnes of annual global green hydrogen demand, the world would require up to 411 new hydrogen vessels and the equivalent

17 Jun 2024

Industry Leaders Highlight Impact of Increasing Protectionism

Emanuele Grimaldi courtesy of the International Chamber of Shipping

The International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) and the Chamber of Marine Commerce, Canada (CMC), convened over 120 industry leaders from 90 organisations and nearly 30 different countries to the Shaping the Future of Shipping Summit on Thursday 13 June. The summit focused on the challenges and risks to global trade.During the closed-door summit industry leaders discussed the emerging concern of increased protectionism across the world.Emanuele Grimaldi, International Chamber of Shipping

03 Jun 2024

Maersk's Ammonia-fueled Box Ship Design Earns Approval in Principle

Left to right: John McDonald, ABS President and COO; Claus W. Graugaard, Chief Technology Officer, Onboard Vessel Solutions at the Mérsk Mc-Kinney Mþller Center for Zero Carbon Shipping; Andy McKeran, Chief Commercial Officer of Lloyd’s Register. (Photo: LR)

A. P. Mþller-Mérsk's newly developed design for an ammonia-fuelled 3,500 TEU container vessel has earned approval in principle (AIP) from classification societies Lloyd’s Register (LR) and the American Bureau of Shipping (ABS).Led by the Mérsk Mc-Kinney Mþller Center for Zero Carbon Shipping, the design project also involved MAN Energy Solutions, Deltamarin, Eltronic FuelTech.“To unlock the potential of sustainable ammonia as an alternative, low-emissions marine fuel, we must

20 Feb 2024

Maritime Emissions Reduction Center Launched in Athens

© aerial-drone / Adobe Stock

The Lloyd’s Register (LR) Maritime Decarbonization Hub is collaborating with five leading shipowners as founding members in the establishment of a not-for-profit Athens-based global Maritime Emissions Reduction Center (M-ERC) that will focus on optimizing the efficiency of the existing fleet.The M-ERC is being created with the goal of removing technical, investment and community barriers for the uptake of solutions to reduce the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of the existing global fleet

11 Dec 2023

New Blue Sky Report Outlines N. America Roadmap to Net Zero Maritime Transport

© y zxvisual / Adobe Stock

The Blue Sky Maritime Coalition (BSMC) has released a new report titled, Roadmap to Net-Zero Emissions: North American Waterborne Transportation, which envisions industry-wide decarbonization by 2050 and identifies the guiding principles and key actions that will help the maritime value chain meet that vision.By understanding what success in 2050 looks like for each stakeholder, the roadmap works backwards to identify the steps and pathways needed to bring that future to reality.

23 Oct 2023

ABS and Pelagus 3D to Advance Additive Manufacturing for Spare Parts

Front L-R: Kenlip Ong, Pelagus 3D CEO; Gareth Burton, ABS VP Technology. Back L-R: Dr. Gu Hai, ABS VP and Head of Global Simulation Center; Kenneth Lim, Assistant Chief Executive, Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore; Arnab Ghosh, ABS VP Regional Business Development; Haakon Ellekjaer, Pelagus 3D CCO; and Daniel Tan, Pelagus 3D CTO (Photo: ABS)

ABS and Pelagus 3D Pte. Ltd., a joint venture company of thyssenkrupp and Wilhelmsen, signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) to advance the technologies and adoption of on-demand additive manufacturing (AM) of marine and offshore spare parts.During a three-year term, ABS and Pelagus 3D will collaborate on a variety of initiatives including the incorporation of ABS testing requirements through the Pelagus Platform for AM parts. This project will also support the continued development of industry guidelines and standards for AM

17 Oct 2023

Amogy: Policy and Standards Needed for Ammonia

Ammonia-to-power solutions company Amogy Inc. has released a white paper titled "Ammonia as a Clean Energy Solution for Maritime Use."Ammonia has emerged as a promising fuel source for a wide range of vessel types, but realizing its potential requires a combination of production incentives, sector-specific policies, and standardized ammonia usage practices throughout the maritime value chain.The white paper examines ammonia's pivotal role in decarbonizing maritime applications.

06 Sep 2023

Shipping Will Need a Third of World’s Carbon Neutral Fuel by 2030

Source: DNV

According to the latest edition of DNV’s Maritime Forecast to 2050, the shipping industry will find it challenging to secure enough supply of carbon-neutral fuels.To meet the anticipated demand of 17 million tonnes of oil equivalent (Mtoe) annually by 2030, the maritime sector would need to access 30-40% of the projected worldwide carbon-neutral fuel supply.As the shipping industry will compete for these fuels with aviation and road transportation, as well as other industries, their production needs to significantly accelerate if the industry’s emission-reduction goals are to be met.

24 Aug 2023

Titan and 123Carbon Partner on Carbon Insetting

Source: Titan

Fuel supplier Titan and 123Carbon, the first independent blockchain-based carbon insetting platform for the transport sector, have issued what they claim is the first LNG-based carbon insets.Carbon insetting enables fuel suppliers and vessel operators to transfer the environmental benefits of clean, lower carbon intensity fuels throughout the maritime value chain, enabling decarbonisation within their own supply chains. This contrasts with offsetting where the environmental benefits are made given to other industries or ventures.There are

03 Jul 2023

Nine Organisations Commit to Book and Claim Systems

Source: Torvald Klaveness

Nine companies across the maritime value chain have issued a joint statement expressing their commitment to developing and implementing robust book and claim chain of custody systems to accelerate the early phases of shipping’s decarbonisation. The signatories of the joint statement – Aspen Shipping Decarbonization Initiative, DHL Global Forwarding, Hapag Lloyd, Kuehne + Nagel, Norden, Oldendorff Carriers, ONE, Torvald Klaveness, and Yara Clean Ammonia –belong to the Getting to Zero coalition

22 Jun 2023

SSI: Green Steel Could Be Added to Decarbonization Targets

© STOCKSTUDIO / Adobe Stock

The Sustainable Shipping Initiative (SSI) has published a green steel and shipping report calling for circularity in shipbuilding. Steel is the primary shipbuilding material, making over 75% of a vessel by weight, and the steel industry is responsible for 7-9% of global GHG emissions. Addressing steel emissions is critical to decarbonizing across the ship lifecycle, says SSI, and provides opportunities for collaboration with the steel sector and other steel demand sectors. The report identified drivers and barriers to closing the loop on steel in shipping

21 Jun 2023

K+S and Swire Bulk Commit to Emissions Reduction

(Photo: Swire Bulk)

Mining company K+S Aktiengesellschaft and shipping company Swire Bulk announced a formal partnership to develop decarbonization solutions in an effort to decarbonize their operations and drive reductions in greenhouse gases in the maritime supply chain.Patrick Lieberam, Senior Vice President Supply Chain Management of K+S, shared, “As a mining company, K+S is aware of its responsibility and in the area of logistics, will stand by the side of its long-term partner Swire in the implementation of zero emissions and provide support in all areas.

12 May 2023

REM Purus' New CSOV Named in Aalesund, Norway

Photo credit: Olav Thokle/Fotomaritim

Commissioning Service Operation Vessel (CSOV) REM Power was named at a ceremony in Aalesund, Norway on Friday.The Rem Power, owned by Rem Purus, designed to offer services and maintenance operations at offshore wind farms, was named in the center of Ålesund in front of shipbuilder VARD’s headquarters.This is the first of two CSOVs VARD is delivering to Rem Purus.The REM Power is a CSOV of the VARD 4 19 design, developed by Vard Design. The vessel is equipped to provide services during both construction

20 Apr 2023

DNV Launches Real-Time Emissions Data Verification Solution

Source: DNV

DNV has launched Emissions Connect, an emissions data verification engine and data management platform designed to help the maritime industry accurately assess and work with emissions data.The solution provides a trusted, verified source of emissions data that can be shared securely with all relevant stakeholders along the maritime value chain. High-quality emissions data provided by the shipowner is verified by DNV and shared with customers for self-service in settlement of transactions or other purposes such as compliance reporting

21 Feb 2023

ZeroNorth Acquires Bunker Supplier Software Provider BTS

Kenneth Juhls, Managing Director of ZeroNorth Bunker

Technology company ZeroNorth announced that it has acquired BTS PTE Ltd., a software platform for marine fuel suppliers, headquartered in Singapore.The deal will see ZeroNorth acquire BTS’s flagship suite of services - iBMS (Intelligent Bunker Management System), which helps marine fuel suppliers, traders and brokers digitalize their business processes through eliminating unproductive tasks, automating work processes, greater sharing of information and enhancing decision making.iBMS

17 Feb 2023

Norway: Project Launched to Develop Offshore Charging Solutions for Offshore Wind Vessels


A project aimed developing a solution to charge offshore vessels' batteries in the offshore wind farms was officially launched at a kick-off ceremony in Ålesund, Norway on Thursday.The project, called the Ocean Charger will be lead by Vard, with its sister companies Seaonics and Vard Electro, and partners Rem Offshore, Solstad Offshore, SINTEF Energi, SINTEF Ocean, DigiCat, Sustainable Energy, Equinor, Source Galileo Norge, Corvus Energy, Plug, Shoreline, Sustainable Energy, University of Bergen

19 Dec 2022

BCG, ABS Team Up to Decarbonize Maritime & Offshore Industries

Christopher J. Wiernicki, ABS Chairman, President and CEO (Left) and Peter Jameson, Partner and Global Lead for Climate and Sustainability in BCG’s Infrastructure, Transport and Cities practice (Right)  Credit: ABS

Boston Consulting Group (BCG) a consultancy and advisor on decarbonization to the maritime industry, and maritime classification society American Bureau of Shipping (ABS), have signed a memorandum of understanding to combine their technical and consulting expertise in the maritime and offshore industries, providing joint support to clients’ decarbonization journeys.Peter Jameson, Partner and Global Lead for Climate and Sustainability in BCG’s Infrastructure, Transport and Cities practice

28 Sep 2022

Canada and UAE First to Back Maritime Green Fuel Initiative

© OliverFoerstner / Adobe Stock

Canada and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) are among the first countries to back a new initiative aiming to advance the production, export and import of low-carbon fuels for shipping.The International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) and International Association of Ports and Harbors (IAPH), along with the CEO-led Clean Energy Maritime Taskforce, unveiled the ‘Clean Energy Marine Hubs Initiative’ on Friday at the Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM) in Pittsburgh. The Initiative will be a convening platform for public and private senior-level stakeholders from the ports

21 Jun 2022

MAN ES, UGS Make Joint Decarbonization Commitment

Pictured in Athens (from left to right): John C. Lyras, former President, current Board member and Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee, UGS; Dionissis Christodoulopoulos, Managing Director, MAN Energy Solutions Hellas; Melina Travlos, President of UGS; Wayne Jones OBE, Member of Executive Board – Global Sales & After Sales – MAN Energy Solutions; Dimitris Fafalios, Secretary of the Board /Chairman of Maritime Safety & Marine Environment Protection Committee, UGS. Image courtesy MAN Energy

Following a meeting during the 2022 Posidonia trade fair in Athens, MAN Energy Solutions and the Union of Greek Shipowners (UGS) announced their mutual commitment to a policy of decarbonization, especialy in regard to the testing and development of alternative fuels and, more generally, the maritime value chain. This recognises the vital role that engine designers and manufacturers play, and that shipping’s decarbonisation requires the contribution of multiple stakeholders.The