Marine Link
Friday, March 28, 2025

Hydrogen News

13 Mar 2025

e1 Marine's Vision for Methanol-to-Hydrogen Vessel Tech

The marine industry at large slowly evolves on fuel transition, as the questions on regulation, technology and finance of emerging technologies cumulatively works to stunt growth. Enter Dave Lee, Executive Director,  e1 Marine. Dave Lee is certainly no stranger to advanced marine technology, as he also serves as VP of Innovation and Technology @ Maritime Partners, and held a similar position previously with ABB. Read aoub the e1 Marine plan to effectively enable hydrogen as a marine fuel…

26 Feb 2025

Industry Responds Positively to EU Clean Industrial Deal

© doganmesut / Adobe Stock

The European Commission has presented its Clean Industrial Deal which aims to accelerate decarbonization while securing the future of manufacturing in Europe.President Ursula von der Leyen said: “Europe is not only a continent of industrial innovation, but also a continent of industrial production. However, the demand for clean products has slowed down, and some investments have moved to other regions. We know that too many obstacles still stand in the way of our European companies from high energy prices to excessive regulatory burden.

17 Feb 2025

Bilbao Port Authority Showcases Hydrogen Infrastructure

Image_Courtesy_Bolbao Port Authority

The Bilbao Port Authority participated in the 1st Conference of the Chambers of Commerce and Hydrogen Valleys of the Atlantic Arc. The event, held at the Energy Intelligence Center (EIC) in Abanto-Zierbena, brought together the Chambers of Commerce of the Atlantic Arc, an alliance involving Chambers from Portugal, Spain, and France to improve the competitiveness of the region, with hydrogen valleys and clusters from the Cantabrian coast.In his presentation, Andima Ormaetxe, Director of Operations…

13 Feb 2025

Contract Signed to Build 130m ‘Hydrogen-Ready’ High-Speed Ferry

Gotland Aerial Render_Courtesy_Austal

Austal Limited said that Austal Australasia has been awarded a contract valued between A$265 and A$275 million by Gotlandsbolaget of Sweden for the design and construction of a 130-m combined cycle, ‘hydrogen-ready’ vehicle passenger ferry. Part of Gotlandsbolaget’s ‘Horizon X’ program, the high-speed ROPAX catamaran will be the largest vessel ever constructed by Austal, and feature a unique, highly efficient combined cycle propulsion system that includes both gas and steam turbines – reportedly a first for high-speed craft.

05 Feb 2025

Hoegh Ready for FID for Hydrogen Deliveries to Germany

Source: Deutsche ReGas

Norwegian shipping firm Hoegh Evi expects to take a final investment decision (FID) this year on an ammonia-derived hydrogen project to deliver clean fuel into dedicated German grids, chief executive Erik Nyheim said.The company operates three of its nine floating storage and regasification units (FSRU) for LNG along the German coast, diversifying the country's supply origins since the 2022 energy crisis.With an eye on Germany's long-term decarbonization goals, Hoegh and private firm Deutsche ReGas are jointly developing a floating hydrogen import terminal at Lubmin on the Baltic Sea with an a

03 Feb 2025

Shipbuilding RFP Issued to Build Hydrogen-Hybrid Research Vessel

Image courtesy Glosten

UC San Diego’s Scripps Institution of Oceanography issued a request for proposals (RFP) to select a shipyard for the final design and construction of its new 163-ft. Coastal Class Research Vessel (CCRV), reportedly the first oceanographic research ship to primarily operate on renewable fuels.The vessel will feature a dual-powered hydrogen fuel cell and diesel-electric propulsion system, capable of conducting 75% of its missions using only liquid hydrogen. When running on hydrogen…

27 Jan 2025

Lithuanian Port Building Fuel Cell Powered Tanker

Source: Klaipėda State Seaport Authority

The hull of Lithuania’s first green hydrogen and electricity-powered ship has been launched by the Klaipėda State Seaport Authority.The tanker will accept waste from vessels entering the port when it enters operation later this year.The tanker’s main function is to collect storm water, sewage, sludge and garbage, and it will be equipped with special tanks and a modern rainwater treatment plant that will allow the treated water to be transferred to the city’s sewage treatment plants.

28 Jan 2025

Yanmar to Accelerate Hydrogen Engine Production

Source: Yanmar

Yanmar Power Technology has received Japanese government approval for its production plans for hydrogen-fueled engines and fuel cells.The planned project aims to establish an advanced production system for zero-emission ships powered by hydrogen and batteries.In August 2023, Yanmar introduced a hydrogen fuel cell system for marine use. Additionally, Yanmar has completed onshore tests of a pilot-ignition hydrogen 4-stroke high-speed engine for power generation in coastal vessels, achieving a rated output of approximately 500 kW.

20 Jan 2025

SEFE and Höegh Evi to Develop Hydrogen Supply Chains

Source: Höegh Evi

SEFE Securing Energy for Europe and marine infrastructure provider Höegh Evi have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to jointly develop international supply chains for clean hydrogen to be delivered to Germany and other locations in Europe.The partners will analyze the technical and commercial feasibility of various corridors for the supply of clean hydrogen based on ammonia.The objective of the agreement is to implement international supply chains for clean hydrogen.

20 Jan 2025

AIP: KSOE Earns Nod for Liquefied Hydrogen Tank Tech

Demonstration of the large-scale tank vacuum system. Attended by representatives from HD KSOE, Woodside Energy, MOL, Glovis, and DNV.
Image courtesy DNV

DNV awarded an AiP to HD Korea Shipbuilding & Offshore Engineering (HD KSOE) for its innovative vacuum-insulated large-scale liquefied hydrogen tank, another advancement in providing practical storage solutions for liquefied hydrogen (LH2).Developing cost-effective and flexible large-scale liquid hydrogen storage with higher safety, and lower operational and capital cost is essential if LH2 is to realize its promise for decarbonizing industries such as transportation, shipping, and power generation.

02 Jan 2025

Students to Demonstrate Potential of Liquified Hydrogen

Source: Hydro Motion Team

The 2025 TU Delft Hydro Motion Team, a team of 25 adult students, has designed a hydrofoiling boat that will be powered by liquified hydrogen.Their project builds on the work of previous students at the Dutch university in a program dating back to 2005.The first TU Delft design was solar powered; it was changed to compressed hydrogen in 2021.The 2024 team focused on applying hydrogen fuel to a seaworthy vessel and made history as the first hydrogen-powered boat to cross the North Sea.The 2025 team’s boat will be entered in the Monaco Sea Lab 2025.

20 Dec 2024

Work Progresses on Hydrogen-Powered RIB Vessel

King Watercraft team with H2Ocean. Left to right: Will King (Founder), Tom Donachie (Fabricator), Aidan Stewart (Tube Fabricator), and Darren Fielding (Fabricator). Image courtesy King Watercraft/Fabrum

Fabrum, a New Zealand company, has collaborated on the design and build of a zero-emission hydrogen-powered boat H2Ocean with King Watercraft, a developer of sophisticated New Zealand made rigid inflatable boats. The H2Ocean hydrogen-powered rigid inflatable boat (RIB), a zero-emissions solution suitable for tourism, commercial and leisure activities, will begin sea trials in January 2025. The boat can be adapted to suit the environment and operations of the end user – and be equipped to carry up to 12 people…

10 Dec 2024

Hycamite Advances Onboard Methane-Splitting System Development

Source: Hycamite

Hycamite TCD Technologies, MOLEA, a subsidiary of Mitsui O.S.K. Lines, and MOL PLUS have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) promoting the application of methane-splitting for onboard power generation.With Hycamite’s technology, LNG-fueled ships can convert methane into hydrogen as they sail, and the solid carbon produced can be offloaded at the port of destination. If bioLNG is used, the solution can create a negative carbon footprint.Earlier this year, Hycamite announced development of a system that…

29 Nov 2024

2050: There’s 9,164 Days to Go

Photo by Ned Rozell courtesy of University of Alaska Fairbanks

This week at MarineLink…A group of people met at the University of Alaska Fairbanks at the end of October to brainstorm a possible new economy for Alaska and a clean energy source for the world: geologic hydrogen.It’s not that new a concept. Villagers in Bourakébougou, Mali, found a source of geologic hydrogen while unplugging an old water well in 2011. Subsequent scientific research confirmed an extensive hydrogen field in the strata below, and it is now used to generate electricity for the village.Other natural hydrogen deposits have been found in Canada…

18 Nov 2024

France's First Hydrogen-Electric Powered Fishing Training Vessel Ready to Set Sail

Alba vessel (Credit: MAURIC)

The LPMA: Maritime and Aquaculture Professional School of Bastia will on November 15, 2024, inaugurate France's first hydrogen-electric powered fishing training vessel, dubbed Alba, which was designed by a MAURIC-led consortium.Alba vessel has been specifically designed to include fishing training capabilities such as longline and seine techniques.The vessel can accommodate up to 12 students and 2 instructors (crew).With an overall length of 19.95 meters, the maximum length allowed by the LPMA specifications…

30 Oct 2024

Yanmar Completes Trial of Hydrogen 4-Stroke High-Speed Engine

Source: Yanmar

Yanmar Power Technology has successfully completed a land-based demonstration test of a pilot-ignition hydrogen 4-stroke high-speed engine designed for power generation in coastal vessels.The 6-cylinder engine operates by using a small amount of diesel oil as the ignition source (pilot fuel) to burn a premixture of hydrogen and air. The engine achieved the world’s highest hydrogen fuel ratio and an output of approximately 500kW (according to Yanmar’s research).Yanmar Power Technology…

14 Oct 2024

Windcat’s First CSOV Launched

Source: Damen

Damen Shipyards, Windcat and CMB.TECH are celebrating the launch of the first of six commissioning service operation vessels (CSOV).The launch marks the inauguration of Windcat’s Elevation Series of offshore wind farm maintenance and support vessels.Damen is constructing all six CSOVs at Ha Long Shipyard in Vietnam. With this first CSOV in the water, Damen will continue with its outfitting and commissioning operations to prepare the vessel for delivery in Q2 2025.Damen, Windcat…

14 Oct 2024

OSV Operates on Green Hydrogen

(Photo: eCap Marine)

An offshore support vessel (OSV) has successfully operated on green hydrogen in the German Wadden Sea.Aiming to minimize its environmental impact, operator Acta Marine, based in the Netherlands, decided to install eCap Marine’s containerized hydrogen-electric energy system on board its vessel Coastal Liberty.At the end of February 2024 the refitted OSV received class certification by DNV for its newly installed hydrogen system on board. eCap Marine, contracted by Offshore Service Gesellschaft mbH…

03 Oct 2024

RED II Compliance Demonstrated for Potential Compressed Hydrogen Supply Chain

Source: Provaris Energy

Provaris Energy has released preliminary results for meeting Europe’s Renewable Energy Directive II (RED II) emissions standards for its bulk hydrogen shipping concept based on its proprietary H2Neo carrier sailing between Norway and Germany.Implemented in December 2018, RED II sets stringent emissions standards aimed at fostering the use of renewable energy sources and reducing greenhouse gas emissions across the European Union. RED II mandates that by 2030, at least 32% of the…

26 Sep 2024

ABS OKs SHI's Liquefied Hydrogen Carrier Vessel Design

Chang-Seon Bang, Ph.D. from Samsung Heavy Industries with Patrick Ryan, ABS Senior Vice President and Chief Technology Officer.
Image courtesy ABS

ABS issued general design approval (GDA) to Samsung Heavy Industries Co., LTD. (SHI) for its detailed design of a liquefied hydrogen carrier, a 20,000 cbm vessel with Type C tanks.“Hydrogen is a key enabler of the clean energy economy. In decarbonizing different industry sectors, hydrogen plays critical roles as a fuel, feedstock, energy storage and load balancing. As the demand for hydrogen grows, vessels like the design from SHI will be critical for its transportation and development of the hydrogen value chain…

24 Sep 2024

PowerCell Reports Large Order for Its Marine Fuel Cells

Marine System 225 (Image: PowerCell Group)

Sweden-based PowerCell Group announced it has signed one of the world’s largest orders of marine fuel cell systems to date with a Italian marine OEM manufacturer. The order value is approximately SEK 165 million (US$16.3 million) and the deliveries will begin in the middle of 2025 and be completed by the end of the year.The order is in three parts and consists of 56 units of the Marine System 225 in total where the majority will be installed on commercial cruise ships. The fuel cell systems will provide auxiliary power to a ship’s internal electricity systems, totaling more than 6.3 MW.

16 Sep 2024

HD KSOE Gains DNV Approval for LH2 Carrier Concept with Electric Propulsion

Rendering of the new 80k CBM electric propulsion liquid hydrogen (LH₂) carrier design concept from HD KSOE. (Image: HD KSOE)

DNV has issued an Approval in Principle (AiP) to HD Korea Shipbuilding & Offshore Engineering (HD KSOE) for its cutting-edge electric propulsion liquefied hydrogen (LH₂) carrier design, which has the potential to store and transport up to 80,000 cubic meters of LH₂. The approval is a key achievement in a collaborative effort involving major industry players: HD KSOE, Woodside Energy, Hyundai Glovis, and Mitsui O.S.K. Lines (MOL). Together, these companies are working to create…

09 Sep 2024

LR Partners with Amogy and RotoBoost to Slash Maritime Emissions

Ravi K (left), Global Head of Sales and Products at ROTOBOOST, Andrew McKeranmet (middle), Chief Commercial Officer at Lloyd’s Register, and Seonghoon Woo (right), CEO at Amogy (Photo: Amogy)

Classification society Lloyd’s Register (LR) is collaborating with Amogy and RotoBoost in a study aimed at reducing emissions in the maritime industry. The joint development project (JDP) will assess the potential of advanced technologies such as hydrogen fuel cells, ammonia-to-power systems, and pre-combustion Carbon Dioxide Capture Storage (CCS) systems from technical, financial, and regulatory perspectives.This partnership marks a significant step toward evaluating how these…