Bilbao Port Authority Showcases Hydrogen Infrastructure
The Bilbao Port Authority participated in the 1st Conference of the Chambers of Commerce and Hydrogen Valleys of the Atlantic Arc. The event, held at the Energy Intelligence Center (EIC) in Abanto-Zierbena, brought together the Chambers of Commerce of the Atlantic Arc, an alliance involving Chambers from Portugal, Spain, and France to improve the competitiveness of the region, with hydrogen valleys and clusters from the Cantabrian coast.
In his presentation, Andima Ormaetxe, Director of Operations, Sales and Logistics at the Bilbao Port Authority, explained the different initiatives underway to make Bilbao a greener, more competitive, and more responsible port, to support its customers through the energy transition and to become a benchmark infrastructure for the future in terms of environmental sustainability and a key tool for decarbonizing logistics chains for the Atlantic Axis.
Ormaetxe also explained to those the incredible opportunity developing green corridors and hosting the EU-endorsed hydrogen corridor presents for the entire hinterland. In this sense, he highlighted that “the Ports of Bilbao, Amsterdam, and Duisport, together with the Basque Energy Agency (EVE), Petronor and the Dutch organizations SkyNRG, Evos Amsterdam and Zenith Energy Terminals, have together signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) in the field of hydrogen and its distribution along this maritime route, providing a major boost to the development of a hydrogen-based economy”.