Marine Link
Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Marine Claims Insurance Reminder by Danish Authority

Maritime Activity Reports, Inc.

March 24, 2015


If you own a ship with a gross tonnage (GT) of or above 300, you must inform the Danish Maritime Authority about your insurance for maritime claims by 31 March 2015. The requirement does not apply to foreign ships.
It is about time to check your insurance for maritime claims.

By 31 March 2015, at the latest, all Danish shipowners with ships of or above 300 GT must inform the Danish Maritime Authority about the insurance taken out to cover maritime claims.

The requirement to forward information applies only if your insurances have not already been approved by the Danish Maritime Authority. All insurances issued by P&I clubs that are members of the international group of P&I clubs (IG), referred to as "Certificates of entry", have been approved.

The list of members is available from

Foreign ships are not covered by the requirement.

Forward information to the Danish Maritime Authority
If you have taken out an insurance to cover maritime claims that has not been approved beforehand by the Danish Maritime Authority, the information must be inserted in a form and be forwarded to the Danish Maritime Authority at [email protected].

Remember to carry the certificate on board
All Danish ships with a gross tonnage of or above 300 must carry a "Certificate of Entry" from the insurance company confirming that insurance has been taken out to cover maritime claims.

This also applies to foreign ships calling at or departing from Danish ports or any other place of loading or unloading in Denmark or in the Danish continental shelf area or performing tasks in Danish territorial waters.