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Orolia, Transas Partner to Offer e-Maritime Solutions

Maritime Activity Reports, Inc.

March 12, 2014

Orolia (NYSE Alternext Paris – FR0010501015 – ALORO), global specialist in critical Global Navigation Satellite System solutions, and Transas Group, global leader in maritime simulation, navigation and surveillance systems, today announced that they have signed a Memorandum of Understanding whereby they will jointly develop new solutions to address the maritime industry’s need for high-end e-maritime systems that integrate the latest in Maritime Domain Awareness (MDA) and Search and Rescue (SAR) functionality.

Under the terms of the agreement, the two groups will leverage complementary products, state-of-the-art technologies and in-depth expertise in vessel management, asset protection and emergency response to create innovative solutions that continue to save lives and improve operations.  Orolia, through its McMurdo Group, provides one of the industry’s most comprehensive ecosystems of SAR and MDA technologies including distress beacons, satellite communications infrastructure, emergency and surveillance operations control centers and fleet management software. Transas has established itself as one of the world’s leading e-maritime innovators covering the design and implementation of integrated navigational solutions, virtual modeling and augmented reality.

“The maritime industry is in need of leadership to help unite a highly fragmented market that today consists of several custom-built, minimally interoperable systems,” said Jean-Yves Courtois, CEO of Orolia.  “This collaboration between two established global leaders will contribute to creating a more unified industry, one that is focused on convergence, interoperability and standardization to further improve operations.  As part of our overall partner strategy, we are committed to working with leaders such as Transas to pioneer advanced solutions, influence new standards and drive technological innovation for the benefit of the entire maritime community.”

While the partnership includes short-term business cooperation initiatives such as sharing product portfolios for broader solution offerings and leveraging sales channels for wider global reach, the primary focus of the agreement is on joint market and solution development for the maritime industry including:

Creating Advanced SAR-enhanced MDA Systems.  Adding McMurdo Group’s proven beacon technology and COSPAS-SARSAT/MESOAR satellite-based solutions (including mission control and rescue coordination centers)1 to Transas’ world-leading vessel traffic management, training and 3D simulation systems can result in higher levels of navigational and safety proficiency.  These new offerings will fully integrate emergency preparedness, risk detection, crisis response and emergency operations for activities such as commercial fishing, illegal immigration control and arctic navigation.

Developing Innovative Coastal Surveillance and Port Management Systems.  Augmenting Transas’ widely-deployed coastal surveillance and port management offerings with McMurdo Group’s advanced threat detection2 and web-based fleet management technologies can deliver safer, more secure and efficient solutions for sectors such as port operations, inland waterways, oil and gas, renewable energy and border security.

“The joint initiatives and solutions we have identified thus far are just the start of many collaboration projects between our two groups,” said Valery Ermakov, CEO, Transas Group.  “As our relationship with Orolia expands, we will continue to serve our existing and prospective customers with offerings that remain on the cutting edge of innovation, functionality and performance.  We look forward to jointly educating the market, strengthening our global influence and delivering more value not just in the maritime industry but also in new markets such as immigration control, renewable energy, environmental protection and beyond.”