Crowley Tugboat Crew Commended by CSA
The Crowley Maritime Corp. tugboat 'Explorer' has been awarded a letter of commendation from the Chamber of Shipping of America (CSA) for assisting a stricken vessel 30 miles west of Providenciales, Turks and Caicos Islands, in December.
Crowley crewmembers quickly responded to the 20-foot vessel, which had run out of fuel, providing the crew of two with water, life jackets, flashlights and a hand-held radio until the Coast Guard arrived to provide further assistance.
Crowley’s Andrew Legge, manager of operation integrity, ship management , accepted the letter on behalf of theExplorercrew at the CSA safety awards banquet, recently held in New Orleans. CSA safety awards are given annually to crews who render assistance to those in danger at sea.
The letter of recognition said: “We commend the crew of the Tug Explorerfor [its] actions and dedication to duty December 19, 2012, when you notified the U.S. Coast Guard Rescue Coordination Center, Miami, Fl, that you were on scene with a 20-foot vessel which was disabled with two persons onboard … your actions exemplify the devotion to duty and professionalism of the merchant mariner.”
The Explorer, based in Jacksonville, is used in Crowley’s Puerto Rico liner services operation, regularly towing company-owned triple-deck Ro/Ro barges between Jacksonville and San Juan.