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Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Available: 300 Free Systems; Wanted: 300 Ships

Maritime Activity Reports, Inc.

November 25, 2015

Which will be the first 300 ships in the world to test and validate Sea Traffic Management (STM) with updated systems free-of-charge?
As the shipping domain is takes steps in information technology, the STM Validation Project aims to demonstrate the STM concept in large-scale test beds in both the Nordic and Mediterranean Seas, encompassing around 300 vessels, 10 ports and five shore based service centres as well as using the European Maritime Simulator Network.

The predecessor project, MONALISA 2.0, defined a need for validating STM in ports and on board ships supported by service centers on shore. 300 “STM-Systems” will be installed on board ships, developed and installed by ECDIS-manufacturers free-of-charge, and start running live in 2017. The ships will then be able to use services to further optimize routes, sharing route information with other test vessels and service centre to increase safety and with participating ports to optimize the port calls.
ECDIS suppliers can apply to the tendering at