March 2013 issue of Maritime Reporter and Engineering News

Feature: U.S. Coast Guard Annual
Technical: Coatings & Corrosion Control
Product: Coatings & Corrosion Control
Maritime Companies Need to Know: What is an “Iranian Person?" Page: 303
Maritime Labor Convention 2006 and the U.S. Page: 303
ClassNK Page: 303
Cathodic Protection Page: 303
- Risk Management Page: 303
Ice Crushing Propeller Dynamics Page: 303
Oceanex Is Building Innovation Page: 24
- USCG Page: 32
Vessel Specific Training Via Adaptive Learning Experience Page: 34
Mass Maritime’s Manned Model Shiphandling Program Page: 38
Shipbuilding: DDW's Future is Bright Page: 42
Adances in Marine Coatings & Corrosion Control Page: 46
Profile: Ralph Senner, Karl Senner Inc. Page: 50
Software Solutions Debuts & Upgrades Page: 48
Thad Allen at the Helm Page: 32