Massachusetts Maritime Academy
Massachusetts Maritime Academy News
NSMV Patriot State Delivered to Massachusetts Maritime Academy

Massachusetts Maritime Academy (MMA) officially took custody of its new training ship Patriot State during a handover ceremony on October 11.The vessel is the second of five being built by Philly Shipyard under the U.S. Department of Transportation Maritime Administration’s (MARAD) National Security Multi-Mission Vessel (NSMV) program, designed to provide a purpose-built, state-of-the-art training ships for the nation's state maritime academies.During the handover ceremony…
Mass. Maritime Renews Offshore Wind Training Partnership with RelyOn Nutec

Massachusetts Maritime Academy (MMA) on Thursday announced it has renewed its training partnership agreement with RelyOn Nutec GoM (Gulf of Mexico).The partnership was formed in 2019 and over the past five years has provided specialized Global Wind Organization (GWO) Basic Safety Training (BST) to close to 1,000 course participants entering the offshore wind industry. The MMA is the first facility…
Second NSMV Patriot State Completes Sea Trials

The second vessel in a series of new training ships for the U.S.' state maritime academies has completed sea trials, build manager TOTE Services said.The National Security Multi-Mission Vessel (NSMV) Patriot State, built by Philly Shipyard and scheduled for delivery to the Massachusetts Maritime Academy later this year, completed the trials with participation from the shipyard, vendors, construction management teams…
American Cruise Lines’ First New Coastal Cat Enters Service

American Cruise Lines introduced its first new Coastal Cat, American Eagle, during a christening ceremony in at the Massachusetts Maritime Academy campus on Buzzards Bay last week.Carol Robertson, wife of American Cruise Lines’ founder the late Charles A. Robertson, served as godmother for the ship and christened the 100-passenger American Eagle with one of her handmade, ribbon-wrapped champagne bottles.
Mass. Maritime to Open On-campus Center for Inclusion

Massachusetts Maritime Academy (MMA) is set to open a new office on campus that promotes diversity, equity and inclusion through programs, events and student support initiatives.MMA's Office of Intercultural Engagement named its new office the Captain Paul Cuffe Center for Inclusion, in honor of the master mariner, philanthropist, abolitionist and education advocate. Approved by unanimous vote of the Massachusetts Maritime Academy Board of Trustees…
Attracting More People of Color to the Maritime Workforce

In the United States, marine transportation is responsible for $361 billion, or 1.7% of the U.S. Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Marine transportation, a key part of global logistics and responsible for 40% of international trade, goods and services, is the backbone of U.S. trade. In the U.S. in 2021 alone, ships have transported more than 1.5 billion tons of cargo valued at more than $1.5 trillion; in that same time period, U.S.
Philly Shipyard Launches NSMV Patriot State

Philly Shipyard has launched Patriot State, the second in a series of five state-class National Security Multi-Mission Vessels (NSMV) it is building for the U.S. Department of Transportation's Maritime Administration (MARAD).MARAD's NSMV provides purpose-built training platforms for state maritime academies in New York, Massachusetts, Maine, Texas and California, respectively. In addition, the five…
Mass. Maritime Academy Offering Offshore Wind Training to Locals

Massachusetts Maritime Academy (MMA) said it has started offering its Global Wind Organization Basic Technical Training (GWO BTT) course to community members, opening the door to those on Martha’s Vineyard interested in a potential career in the offshore wind industry.Massachusetts Maritime Academy is one of the first institutions in the Northeast to offer this type of training. The goal is to help…
Mass. Maritime Holds Change of Command Ceremony

Massachusetts Maritime Academy conducted its annual regimental Change of Command Ceremony in conjunction with the celebration of National Maritime Day on Wednesday, May 24.The Change of Command Ceremony is both the symbolic and physical transfer of leadership responsibilities from the graduating senior class to members of the junior class. During the ceremony, held at the Clean Harbors Athletic Stadium on the Academy’s campus…
US Maritime Industry Working to Solve the People Puzzle

For companies active in all parts of the commercial maritime sector, finding and holding onto the workers they need to build, operate and service the industry’s wide range of vessels has been challenging. Simply put, the labor market is tight, and the problem is not getting any easier to solve.Mike Ellis, CEO at American Commercial Barge Line (ACBL), said a continued shortage of qualified personnel has been the most pressing issue for ACBL—and probably for the barging industry as a whole.
Mass Maritime Creates School of Engineering

Massachusetts Maritime Academy is in the process of restructuring its former Engineering Department with the formation of the School of Engineering.To be headed by an Associate Dean, the School of Engineering will be composed of the Departments of Marine Engineering, Facilities Engineering, and Energy Systems Engineering. Each department will have a Department Chair reporting directly to the new Associate Dean of Engineering…
“A Captain’s Duty” - Captain Phillips To Speak At Mass Maritime

On Thursday October 6, Captain Richard Phillips, author of A Captain’s Duty: Somali Pirates, Navy SEALs, and Dangerous Days at Sea, will discuss his encounter, his remarkable rescue and lessons learned, in an Ed Fouhy Speaker Series program presented by the Chatham Marconi Maritime Center. The program will begin at 7:00 PM at Massachusetts Maritime Academy in Admirals Hall, 101 Academy Drive, Buzzards Bay…
Mass Maritime Puts on Offshore Wind Training Demo for Governor Baker

Governor Charlie Baker, Energy and Environmental Affairs (EEA) Secretary Bethany Card, and Massachusetts Clean Energy Center CEO (MassCEC) Jennifer Daloisio joined Massachusetts Maritime Academy (MMA) officials for a Global Wind Organization (GWO) training demonstration at the Academy. Nearly three years since helping launch MMA’s first-in-the-nation offshore wind crew transfer training facility, Governor…
Burns to Lead Mass. Maritime's Work in Renewable Energy

The Massachusetts Maritime Academy (MMA) announced Capt. Michael R. Burns Jr. as the first Executive Director of the Academy’s Maritime Center for Responsible Energy (MCRE). In this new role, Capt. Burns will oversee the MCRE that was established in August 2021 to deliver training to the renewable energy industry, develop robust, collaborative relationships with renewable energy stakeholders, and coordinate all the Academy's renewable energy efforts. Capt.
Five New Ships Poised to Transform US Maritime Training

For professional maritime training, the 2020 holiday season was bright indeed. In a world clutching for optimism, officials from the U.S. Maritime Administration (MARAD) made a series of announcements that will strengthen, expand and intensify America’s maritime academic programs—really the maritime industry—for at least the next decade, likely much longer. Consider this string of news:On December 15…
Safely Navigating the Winds of Change
The first-in-the-nation offshore wind training facility will be located at the Massachusetts Maritime Academy.In late October, with much fanfare, Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker…
Massachusetts Maritime Academy Opens Wind Training Facility

Baker-Polito Administration Celebrates the First-in-the-Nation Offshore Wind Training Facility Located at Massachusetts Maritime Academy. MMA steps out in front to train the professionals who will make the coming wave of domestic offshore wind.Today, Governor Charlie Baker, Lt. Governor Karyn Polito, Secretary of Energy and Environmental Affairs Kathleen Theoharides, and Stephen Pike, CEO of the Massachusetts Clean Energy Center…
Maritime Administration Issues RFP for NSMV Training Vessels

Vessel Construction Manager Will Deliver National Security Multi-Mission Vessel. Today, the Maritime Administration (MARAD) released a Request for Proposal (RFP) to solicit for a Vessel Construction Manager (VCM) to deliver a new class of training ships referred to as a National Security Multi-Mission Vessel (NSMV). The VCM selected by MARAD will contract with a qualified shipyard to ensure that commercial…
Massachusetts Maritime Academy Launches Third Master's Degree
MMA Launches Third Graduate Degree, M.S. Maritime Business Management. The Massachusetts Maritime Academy has announced the launch of their third Graduate Degree…