Gulf Oil Marine
Gulf Oil Marine News
Ship Fuel and Lube Costs Are Skyrocketing

The $300 billion bunkering market is at a critical juncture due to the double whammy of the geopolitical crisis and the uncertainty surrounding the regulatory framework pertaining to the decarbonization of the shipping industry.“Bunkering has been hit from the trickledown effect of the sanctions against Russia, and this of course has had a serious impact on prices. Pre-war, the global prices were around $750-$850 per ton…
Gulf Oil Marine and Azurtane Partner

Now that the fuel sulphur regulations have come into force from January 1, 2020, charterers and operators will begin to feel the pressure to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.Gulf Oil Marine has partnered with marine technology firm Azurtane to help customers monitor and manage energy usage and emissions compliance.The change in fuels resulting from the 2020 0.5% sulphur regulations has meant a…