Marine Link
Thursday, July 18, 2024

Technology Focus Lends Freedom To Seatex

Seatex incorporates available and next-generation technology into products designed to improve quality and safety. Founded in 1984, Seatex already has a strong presence with clients such as the U.S.

Navy, Shell International, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Statoil, Amerada Hess, Amoco, etc. The company specializes in designing and manufacturing advanced products for: differential GPS; underwater high-resolution laser-based systems; and monitoring and logging oceanographic, me- teorological and pollution data. Products include the Wavescan system, an advanced oceanographic data-buoy system; and motion reference units (MRUs), used for a num- ber of applications including direc- tional control for shipborne sonar arrays, and heave stabilization of cranes on floating drilling rigs or ships. Last year the company introduced SeaPilot, which integrates electronic maps with DGPS. Installed on four high-speed ferries to date, the system has reportedly resulted in significant fuel savings for the owner, helping to keep the ves- ssel on course and on time.

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