Marine Link
Tuesday, July 16, 2024

MarAd News

• The Maritime Administration approved an application by Triton Industries, a British Virgin Islands corporation, to transfer ownership of the Liberian drilling unit Sedco 703 to Sedco Forex International Drilling, Inc., a Panamanian corporation, without change in Liberian registry. The ship was built in 1974 in Avondale, La.

• Freela, Inc., of Miami, Fla., has filed an application with MarAd to sell two deck barges—M 571 and M 572. The proposed purchaser is Irvin Nadan Dewdath, Paramiribo, Suriname. The 3,300-dwt barges were both built in 1969 in Harvey, La.

• MarAd has issued its 1993 survey of U.S. shipbuilding and repair facilities. The survey was required by law primarily for use in determining whether an adequate mobilization base exists for national de fense and for use in a national emergency. The survey provides a database that is used to evaluate the feasibility of proposed shipbuilding programs. Determinations are made as to which existing shipyards might construct proposed ships consistent with ship size and delivery date requirements. The Report on Survey of U.S. Shipbuilding and Repair Facilities for 1993 may be obtained from MarAd's Office of External Affairs, room 7219; tel: (202) 366-5807.

Shipbuilding / Vessel Construction History