Marine Link
Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Goltens Expands Capacity W i t h N e w Grinder

Diesel engine repairer, Goltens, has announced the expansion of its crankshaft grinding capability. Norman Golten, president of Goltens, commented, "For more than 50 years we've been doing crankshaft grinding in-situ, in ship and in drydock. As our customers' needs expanded or changed, we have added to our services. Now we have purchased a new state-ofthe- art crankshaft grinder that is capable of handling crankshafts as large as 14.1 ft. (3.48 m) long with a swing of 1,200 mm. We expect this grinder to greatly enhance our ability to service our customers." Goltens' ship repair and spare parts services include crankshaft grinding, diesel engine overhaul, fuel equipment repair, rebabbitting, line boring and spare parts supply.

For m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n o n Goltens Circle 9 3 on Reader Service C a rd