Marine Link
Tuesday, July 16, 2024

MarAd News

MarAd FY '93 Report To Congress Available MarAd has released its annual report to Congress for fiscal year 1993, MarAd '93. Copies of the report are available from MarAd's office of External Affairs, Room 7219, 400 7th St. SW, Washington D.C.

20590; tel: (202) 366-5807.

APL Applies For MarAd Permission On TMM Cargo Exchange American President Lines (APL) filed an application with the Maritime Administration for permission to use space on vessels operated by Transportation Maritima Mexicana SA de C.V. (TMM) for carrying cargoes in U.S. foreign trade.

The permission requires a waiver of section 804(a) of the Merchant Marine Act, 1936, which precludes subsidized U.S.-flag operators or their affiliates from operating foreign- flag vessels which compete with essential U.S.-flag shipping services unless the Secretary of Transportation waives the provision for a specific period of time. It has been assigned Docket S-907, and is being published in the Federal Register. APL entered into a slot charter agreement with TMM in foreign-toforeign trade between Asia and Mexico. TMM's ships in the transpacific service provide weekly ser- vice on an itinerary with the following configuration: Manzanillo, Lazaro Cardenas, Long Beach, Yokohama, Kobe, Hong Kong, Kao- Hsiung, Pusan, Osaka, Kobe, Yokohama, San Pedro, Ensenda, and Manzanillo.

APL stated in its application that the permission would accommodate overflow cargoes, which the company sometimes experiences, and enable APL to utilize a portion of its space on the TMM vessels under the slot charter agreement for the carriage of U.S. foreign trade cargoes. Report On U.S.-Owned, Foreign-Flag Ships Updated MarAd has updated its report, Foreign Flag Merchant Ships Owned by U.S. Parent Companies as of July 1, 1993, which lists the foreign-flag oceangoing merchant ships of 1,000-gt and over owned by parent companies legally organized and incorporated in the U.S., either through direct ownership or foreign subsidiary companies. The report may be obtained from MarAd's Office of Trade Analysis and Insurance, Room 8117, tel: (202) 366-2400; or the Office of External Affairs, Room 7219, tel: (202) 366-5807.

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