Marine Link
Tuesday, March 4, 2025

ShipsLog Automates Log-Keeping Functions

Plankowner Software, a recentlyformed division of IEPS, Inc., offers ShipsLog — which, according to the company, is a software package originally developed for the Military Sealift Command (MSC) by Emprise Corporation of Ledyard, Conn. Reportedly, the original version the software — described by the company as a complete electronic log keeping solution for professional shiphandling personnel — is U.S. Coast Guard-approved, and has been in use in the MSC for more than a year.

According to the company, Ships Log has proven very effective at reducing the time required for recording log data. Plankowner redeveloped the software for commercial use, and the logs now provided include Remarks Sheet Position Log, Data Sheet, Night Orders, Standing Orders, Departure, Arrival, Master's Daily and NOAA Weather Reports. The software supports user-defined access levels, data replication and electronic data encryption to ensure data integrity. A shoreside installation supporting multiple databases allows for the electronic transfer of log data. Ships Log for DOS is available immediately in both single-user and network versions; a Windows version is in the pipeline for release next month. For more information on Plankowner Software Circle 5 5 on Reader Service Card

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