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Wednesday, July 17, 2024

World Petroleum Congress

May 29 - June 1, Stavanger, Norway The 14th World Petroleum Congress, touted by organizers as the largest international forum for the exchange of technical and managerial information about the petroleum industry, is scheduled to be held in Stavanger, Norway from May 29-June 1, 1994.

More than 2,000 people from approximately 70 countries are expected to attend the Congress, which was founded in 1933 and now convenes once every three years.

Most major multinational oil companies, many leading national oil and gas companies and a wide variety of independent companies have contributed speakers and chairmen to the program, which features 90 full papers, 50 poster sessions and 80 plenary sessions.

Papers include "Industry Initiatives to Improve Environmental Performance" by Charles J. Di Bona, president of the American Petroleum Institute; "World Petroleum Assessment and Analysis" by C.D. Masters, U.S. Geological Survey; "Oil Supply and Demand Through the 90s" by Peter Davies, BP; and "Long-Term Energy Supply and Demand" by P. Kassler, Shell International Petroleum. The Norwegian Prime Minister will head the list of plenary speakers. The other plenary speakers will beConstantine S. Nicandros, president and CEO, Conoco Inc. and deputy chairman of Dupont; Alexander E. Putilov, president of Rosneft (Russia); Dr. Subroto, secretary-general of OPEC ;Helmut Werner, president and CEO of Mercedes Benz AG; Serge Tchuruk, chairman and CEO of Total SA; andMasamoto Yashiro, executive vice-president, CCP Japan Citycorp/Citybank NA.

The 14th Congress theme is Petroleum in a World of Sustainable Growth - Challenges and Opportunities. The focus will be on the nature, cost and impact of new technology in the oil and gas industries. Special emphasis will be placed on new investment in Russia and other part of the former Soviet Union.

In addition to the sessions, a large number of technical tours to offshore platforms and other oil and gas installations have been arranged, together with a wide range of geologist and non-technical tours (including Spitzbergen and the North Cape).

For more information, contact Jostein Mykletun, WPC-94 Secretariat, 14th WPC, c/o Statoil, P.O.

Box 300, 4001 Stavanger, Norway, tel: +47 5180 6141; fax: +47 5180 60 20.