Marine Link
Monday, July 15, 2024

Siemens M a r i n e Engineering Subdivision Under N ew Management

According to reports released by Siemens AG, Hamburg, Germany, the company's marine engineering subdivision came under new management at the beginning of 1996.

The former head, Wolfgang Zwillich, has moved to a new post in the Industrial and Building Systems Group in Erlangen, and Werner Walker has filled his position in Hamburg.

Mr. Walker has served Siemens in several positions, including as a commissioning engineer in the field services department, manager of naval sales projects, manager of system sales, and head of sales. As head of sales, Mr. Walker was responsible for merchant marine engineering and surface ship business in Hamburg and Bremen. As of April, Stefan Richter, current manager of the Anzac project in Australia, will assume Mr.

Walker's post and management of the subdivision.

For m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n o n Siemens Circle 1 0 3 o n Reader Service C a rd