Marine Link
Monday, July 15, 2024

ASNE Shew To Be Held In U.S. Capitol Cargo Space

American Society of Naval Engineers, ASNE Day 1997, is scheduled to take place in Washington D.C., from March 19 to 20. This year's conference will include a one-day forum allowing industry and government representatives to tackle key aspects of the Department of Defense's (DoD's) Acquisition Reform initiatives. The session is scheduled to be conducted on March 19.

The DoD Acquisition Reform initiatives are aimed at reengineering the procedures used to develop and procure defense weapons systems in order to reduce the life cycle costs of those systems, shorten their acquisition cycle time, and improve utilization of the nation's total defense industrial base.

ASNE Day 1997 has been be structured to promote interaction between those in government who are defining the principles and objectives of acquisition reform, and those in industry or in government engineering and industrial activities striving to provide innovative responses to the challenge.

Since the reform began, ASNE Day has included discussions on the challenges and opportunities raised by the initiatives for those who will develop, design, build, operate and maintain the naval systems that will carry the U.S. into the next century.

This year, however, the symposium will provide an unprecedented opportunity for attendees to focus directly on how acquisition reform is impacting the maritime industry and the naval engineering professions.

In addition to the emphasis on acquisition reform, approximately two dozen technical papers addressing themes such as cost of ownership, modeling and simulation and combat systems will be presented.

For more infortion on ASNE Day 1997, contact the American Society of Naval Engineers, 1452 Duke St., Alexandria, Va. 22314, tel: (703) 836-6727; fax: (703) 836-7491.