Marine Link
Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Computerized Efficiency Tools Save Time, Money

Onboard-Napa is a tool for loading calculations, damage stability and performance prediction. It is designed for use on car ferries, cruise liners, tankers, cable ships and naval ships. Based on the NAPA — Naval Architectural Package — which is a CAE system covering every modern naval architecture need, the NAPA syst em is used by many leading European shipyards, ship design consultants, navies and classification societies.

The product is designed with: a user-friendly graphical interface with visual feedback; a real 3-D model of the vessel to allow accurate stability calculations in all draft, trim and list conditions; and stability analysis in damaged or grounded conditions for continuous crew training and decision support in emergency situations.

For m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n o n O n b o a r d - N a pa Circle 8 9 on Reader Service C a rd