Marine Link
Monday, July 15, 2024

Autoship Systems Corporation

Autoship Systems Corporation is a supplier of PC-based design software for the shipbuilding industry.

Autoship applications cover all aspects of design from initial design to production, including all advanced features for hull modeling and hydrostatics. The company's programs include: a hull and superstructure design program, Autoship; a hydrostatics and stability analysis of design and approval process, Autohydro; an internal structure design program, Autobuild; an onboard load and stability monitor used to maximize safe payloads, Autoload; and an integrated suite of CAM programs including cutting, milling and nesting, AutoNC. A new version of Autoload to be released this fall is capable of 3-D cargo management, including hydrostatistics anaylses, and listing, identifying, and graphic bading of non-standard cargo. The company also plans to release updated versions of Autoship and Autohydro in upcoming months. For more information on Autoship Systems Corporation Circle 51 on Reader Service Card