SL-7 Container Ships & An Engineering Myth Busted
The Rolling Stones were wrong: Time is not on my side.Too often a myth is created and if not killed off right away, it will take on a life of its own and time will not debunk it. Many myths are created for evil or political purposes, but some myths just occur because the truth is just too complicated.Some of those myths don’t even make sense, but there is no available data to establish the truth.As…
Avance Gas Delivers First of 12 VLGCs to BW LPG as Part of $1.05B Deal
Avance Gas has delivered the first very large gas carrier (VLGC) to BW LPG, marking the start of deliveries of total 12 vessels as part of $1.05 billion agreement signed earlier in 2024.Avance Gas concluded sale and delivery of the first VLGC, the 2015-built non-scrubber ship Chinook, to BW LPG on November 1, 2024.As part of the transaction, 1.35 million shares in BW LPG have been issued to Avance…